hyperactive child syndrome
Hyperactive Child Syndrome is a disorder characterized by lack of attention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. Manifested by poor performance at school, problems in relationships with peers, frequent conflicts with parents. Frequency. Observed in 3-5% of children of school age, in boys – 5 times more often.
- hereditary predisposition
- Immaturity of the nervous system
- Disorders of dopamine metabolism in the central nervous system
- Toxins (lead), food coloring and salicylates
- Psychological factors
- Perinatal pathology
- Increased demands of society and teachers
- Purine metabolism disorders.
Genetic aspects (143465, R or polygenic). Assimilation of glucose by different parts of the brain is lower than control by 8%. No gene damage found (one of the candidates is the dopamine transporter DAT1), Risk factors
- Prenatal factors:
- preeclampsia
- use of potentially teratogenic drugs, drugs, alcohol, and smoking
- Low academic performance
- Tourette syndrome
- Mood disorders
- opposition behavior.
Clinical picture
- attention deficit
- Inability to concentrate and making frivolous mistakes when performing certain activities (play, study, work, etc.)
- Inability to listen to the interlocutor
- Inability to organize one’s activities, schoolwork, housework, or one’s duties in the workplace, not due to oppositional behavior or failure to understand instructions
- Avoidance or reluctance to complete tasks that require prolonged mental effort
- Frequent loss of items necessary to perform a certain type of activity, forgetfulness
- Increased distractibility to external insignificant stimuli
- Hyperactivity
- restlessness
- Fussiness
- Circumlocution
- Impulsiveness
- impatience
- Inability to complete the work begun to the end
- The desire of the second
get into all sorts of situations (for example, interfere in a conversation or games)
- Often commits life-threatening acts without thinking about the consequences
- Stigmas of dysembryogenesis:
- epicanthal folds and ocular hypertelorism 4 low-set or abnormal auricles
- gothic sky
- clinodactyly of the fifth finger.
Research methods
- Laboratory methods
- Determination of lead content to exclude lead intoxication
- Thyroid function test
- General blood test to rule out anemia
- Special Methods
- Psychological testing
- Study of the functions of vision and hearing. Differential Diagnosis
- Mental retardation
- Anxiety disorders
- Oppositional behavior
- Tourette syndrome
- Specific learning disability
- Speech and hearing disorders
- lead poisoning
- Reaction to drug therapy (anorexants, antihistamine products, theophylline, phenobarbital)
- hyperthyroidism
- Absence.
- Special education (for example, teaching in a class with fewer students)
- Behavioral therapies to increase the number of structures in the environment, positive reinforcement (stimulation with rewards and rewards), counseling, and cognitive approaches focusing on relaxation and/or self-control
- Drug therapy plays a secondary role, its appointment is likely only in the absence of the effect of the use of behavioral therapy and special education
- Psychostimulants
- Sidnocarb (children over 6 years old) – 2.5-5 mg in 2 divided doses in the morning
- Pemoline – 18.75-37.5 mg / day
- Dextroamphetamine (children over 3 years old) at an initial dose of 2.5 mg/day, subsequently increased by 2.5 mg/day until effect is achieved
- If psychostimulants are ineffective or if there are concomitant mood disorders, TAD, for example, clomipramine 20-30 mg / day
- Clonidine (clophelin) 4-5 mcg/day
- with tics.
Current and forecast. The mean age of onset is 3 years. In 20% of cases, the symptoms of the disorder persist throughout the adult period of life. Remissions occur between 12 and 20 years of age.
- Hyperkinetic impulsive syndrome
- Attention disorder with ICD hyperactivity. F90.0 Disturbance of activity and attention