sluggish baby syndrome

sluggish baby syndrome

In 1911, Oppenheim gave a description of the symptom complex of congenital amyotonia, meaning by this name the characteristic appearance of a child (primarily amimia, muscle flaccidity) in congenital myopathies. Later, a number of diseases of the central nervous system and the neuromuscular system, accompanied by hypotension and muscle weakness, were gradually included in the content of the term flaccid child syndrome. Etiology

    • Congenital amyotonia (Oppenheim’s disease, #205000, p)
    • Metabolic myopathies, myotonias, central rod disease
    • CNS diseases (atonic paraplegia, cerebellar ataxias, bilirubin encephalopathy, cerebrohepatorenal syndrome, storage diseases, degenerative diseases, spinal cord injuries)
    • Diseases of the peripheral nervous system (polyneuritis, neuropathy)
    • Neuromuscular diseases (myasthenia gravis).


    • Etiotropic and symptomatic
    • In the first months of a child’s life, it may be necessary to deal with respiratory disorders and feed through a tube.
    • Later, there will be a need for orthopedic correction, therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy and rational employment.

See also Myopathies, Metabolic myopathies, Ataxia, Myasthenia gravis

ICD. G71.2 Congenital myopathies

Literature. Oppenheim H: Textbook of Nervous Diseases. New York: G. E. Steckert, 1911