brownsecar syndrome

brownsecar syndrome

Brown-Sequard syndrome is a symptom complex observed when half of the diameter of the spinal cord is damaged: central paralysis (or paresis) and loss of musculo-articular and vibration sensitivity are noted on the side of the lesion, loss of pain and temperature sensitivity on the opposite side.


    • Injuries and penetrating injuries of the spinal cord
    • Circulatory disorders of the spinal cord
    • Infectious and parainfectious myelopathy
    • Tumors of the spinal cord
    • Irradiation of the spinal cord
    • Multiple sclerosis (sclerosis). Pathogenesis
    • Radicular and segmental disorders on the side of the injury
    • Conduction disturbances of the lesion level are lower.

clinical picture. In the acute period, the phenomena of spinal shock (below the level of the lesion, complete flaccid paralysis and loss of all types of sensitivity are noted). Further developed:

    • Spastic paralysis (or paresis) and disorder of deep sensitivity below the level of the lesion on the same side
    • On the opposite (healthy) side, there is a loss of pain and temperature sensitivity to the level of conduction-type damage.
    • Development of flaccid paresis and segmental loss of sensation at the level of injury
    • Ataxia, paresthesia, radicular pain may occur.

Surgical treatment (decompression).


    • Hemiparaplegic syndrome
    • half-hearted syndrome

spinal cord injury

ICD. G83 Other paralytic syndromes