Psychogenic pain syndrome
Psychogenic pain syndrome is a pain syndrome caused by neurotic disorders; compensatory reaction of an accentuated personality in response to a lack of attention from others. Pain can be conversion (hysterical) in nature or included in the obsessive-phobic or hypochondriacal syndrome. At the same time, changes in the functional state of various organs and systems that can cause physiogenic pain are not detected. Etiology
- Relationship with psychological factors. Relationship in time between the occurrence of pain and the subconscious benefit that the patient receives from his condition
- A need for sympathy that the patient cannot satisfy in any other way.
Clinical picture
- Feeling of pain of unknown origin in stretching for more than 6 months, the occurrence of pain on the background of a disease that does not explain its mechanism
- In search of pain relief, patients often, but unsuccessfully, take all kinds of products and change their doctors (standard analgesics bring minimal effect)
- The pain can be of a different nature (stabbing, burning or aching). It may be transient, vary in intensity, duration, location and pattern of radiation, may begin suddenly and progress over several days or weeks.
- Anxiety and depression are often noted.
Psychotherapeutic treatment.
The prognosis for the elimination of mental maladaptation is favorable.
Synonym. neurotic pain
See also. Somatoform disorders, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Hypochondria ICD. F45.4 Persistent somatoform disorder