Spinal cord compression
Spinal cord compression is a combination of neurological symptoms caused by displacement and deformation of the substance of the spinal cord by some volumetric formation or a displaced vertebra in spinal cord injury. The reasons
- Anterior compression: the body of a broken or dislocated vertebra, bone fragments, prolapsed fragments of the intervertebral disc
- Posterior compression due to a broken vertebral arch or torn ligamentum flavum, foreign body
- Internal compression: hematomyelia (see Hematomyelia), detritus in the focus of softening with edema-swelling of the spinal cord
- In the late period: cicatricial adhesions, arachnoid cysts or adhesions, epiduritis, abscess.
Clinical picture (similar to that of a spinal cord injury)
- There is no period of a light gap, a gross neurological deficit develops at the time of injury
- There is no primary destruction of the substance of the spinal cord. Dysfunction occurs largely due to circulatory disorders of the spinal cord
- Spinal Cord Conduction Disorder Syndrome
- Flaccid paresis
or muscle paralysis with areflexia
- Lack of sensation below damage level
- Disorder of the functions of the pelvic organs
- Segmental disorders (depending on the level of the lesion).
- Lumbar puncture with the study of the patency of the subarachnoid space and the registration of partial or complete blockade of the CSF tract
- Spondylography (radiography of the spine in 2 projections) – displacement of the vertebrae or their fragments and deformation of the spinal canal
- CT, MRI, myelography.
Surgical treatment. The amount of intervention depends on the level and nature of the compression.
- With timely and adequate treatment, the restoration of lost functions is likely, the likelihood of self-service
- In most cases, compression of the spinal cord causes disability of patients, a permanent loss of work capacity. Complications
- Neurotrophic (pressure sores, gastrointestinal disorders, thermoregulation)
- Purulent-inflammatory (meningitis, epiduritis, paravertebral abscess).
Synonym. Spinal cord compression
See also Injury of the spinal cord, Contusion of the spinal cord, ICD. G95.2 Compression of spinal cord, unspecified