Mansonellosis is a helminthic invasion from the group of filariasis (filariasis), occurring with fever, allergic skin rashes, joint pain, and eosinophilia. Etiology. The causative agents are the nematodes Mansonella ozzardi, Mansonella perstans and Mansonella streptocerca of the Onchocercidae family. Epidemiology
- The source of the invasion is a sick person. Carriers – midges of the genus Culicoides
- The disease is registered in the states of Central and South America (Mexico, Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina), Africa, India. Characterized by endemicity in the spread of pathogens – Mansonella ozzardi (South and Central America), Mansonella perstans (equatorial regions of South America and Africa) and Mansonella streptocerca (West Africa)
- In humans, adults parasitize in the mesentery of the intestine and under the parietal peritoneum.
- With the blood of the diseased larvae enter the body of the carrier and after 5-7 days become infective for humans.
Clinical picture
- Caused by sensitization of the diseased by the products of metabolism and decay of helminths
- The main symptoms are dizziness, pain in the limbs, urticaria
- In severe cases, allergic edema on the limbs, joint pain are observed.
Research methods, differential diagnosis and treatment – see Wuchereriosis.