Zincioxydum (Zinc oxide)

Name:Zinc oxide (Zincioxydum)

Indications for use:
Applied externally in the form of powders, ointments, pastes, as an astringent, drying and disinfectant for skin diseases (dermatitis, ulcers, diaper rash, etc.).

Pharmacological action:
Disinfectant (destroying viruses) agent.

Zincioxydum (Zinc oxide) method of administration and dose:
In case of alopecia areata (a disease accompanied by complete or partial hair loss) in children, 0.02-0.05 g 2-3 times every day (after eating): zinc ointment is used simultaneously (2%) and deperzolon.

Zincioxydum (Zinc oxide) contraindications:
Not established.

Zincioxydum (Zinc oxide) side effects:
None found.

Release form:

Zinc oxide.

Storage conditions:
In a well-closed container.

Zinc oxide is also included in the products of boron-zinc-naphthalan paste, dactinomycin, Lassara paste, boron-zinc liniment, lincomycin ointment, “prefusin” gel, salicylic ointment, salicylic-sulfur-zinc paste, salicylic-zinc paste, suppositories “neo-anuzole”, solidol ointment, Teimur’s paste, “fusidin” gel, zinc-naphthalan ointment with anesthesin.

Before using the medication“Zincioxydum (Zinc oxide)” should be consulted with a doctor.
The instructions are provided solely for familiarization with “Zincioxydum (Zinc oxide) “.