Indications for use:
Arterial hypertension (persistent rise in blood pressure); edematous syndrome of various origins (with chronic heart failure, diseases of the liver, kidneys).
Pharmacological action:
Diuretic (diuretic), acting on the function of the epithelium of the renal tubules (cells lining their cavity). Inhibits (inhibits) reabsorption (reabsorption) of sodium in the distal (located on the periphery of the nephron) tubules of the nephron (structural and functional department of the kidney), leading to the excretion of chloride ions, sodium, and secondarily water in the urine. The drug also increases the renal excretion (excretion) of bicarbonate, calcium and magnesium ions.
The drug is effective even in the case of an extremely severe stage of renal failure.
The diuretic effect occurs 1 hour after ingestion and reaches a maximum between 3-6 hours. The excretion of sodium and chlorine remains elevated for 12-24 hours. Xipamide has a hypotensive (lowering blood pressure) effect, which at the beginning of treatment is associated liquid volume. With prolonged use of the product, the volume of extracellular fluid is restored to its original level, however, the hypotensive effect is preserved, which, apparently, is due to a decrease in the sodium concentration in the vascular wall and, consequently, a decrease in the response of the vascular wall to norepinephrine and angiotensin II. A stable hypotensive effect is achieved after 2-3 weeks.
Xipamide (Ksipamide) method of administration and dose: The
dose is selected individually. For some patients, the minimum effective dose of xipamide is 0.005 g. The usual daily dose is 0.01-0.03 g. If a more pronounced diuretic effect is needed, you can switch to a dose of 0.04 g 1 or 2 times every day. When prescribing the product in a single dose of 0.08 g or more, there is no additional increase in diuresis (urination) and saluresis (excretion of sodium and chlorine). If the diuretic effect is achieved while taking 0.04 g of xipamide, if necessary, continue the course of treatment, you can switch to a maintenance dose of 0.01 g every day. It is advisable to take the product in the morning after breakfast, with a small amount of water.
Xipamide (Xipamide) contraindications:
Severe liver dysfunction; electrolyte (ionic) balance disorders that cannot be corrected (hypokalemia, hyponatremia); pregnancy; lactation; individual intolerance to the product.
Xipamide (Xipamide) side effects:
Perhaps the development of hypokalemia (decrease in the level of potassium in the blood), manifested by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness, changes in the ECG (electrocardiogram), and heart rhythm disturbances. Less commonly, hyponatremia (low sodium in the blood), hypomagnesemia (low magnesium in the blood), and hypochloremic alkalosis (alkalinization associated with low blood chloride) may develop. Possible dry mouth, thirst due to dehydration (dehydration). Headache, dizziness, weakness, drowsiness, convulsions, trembling, increased myopia (nearsightedness), dyspeptic symptoms (digestive disorders). Skin itching, erythema (limited reddening of the skin), skin photosensitivity (increased skin sensitivity to sunlight), urticaria. An increase in the level of uric acid in the blood serum and the development of an attack of gout are possible (especially in predisposed patients). People with diabetes may experience an increase in blood sugar levels. When using large doses of the product, also in patients with vascular diseases, the risk of thrombosis (formation of a blood clot in the vessel) and embolism (blockage of the vessel with a blood clot or other foreign agent) is increased.
Release form:
Tablets of 0.01 and 0.04 g in a pack of 20, 50 and 100 pcs.
Storage conditions:
List B. In a place protected from light.
Before using the medication“Xipamide (Xipamide)” must be consulted with a doctor.
The instructions are provided solely for familiarization with “Xipamide (Ksipamide) ».