Radix Rhei (Rhubarb root)

Name:Rhubarb root (Radix Rhei)

Indications for use:
For chronic constipation.

Pharmacological action:

Radix Rhei (Rhubarb root) method of administration and dosage:
Assign in powders, decoctions, extracts, tablets. Adults in powders and tablets, 0.5-2.0 g per reception, children 2 years old – 0.1 g; 3-4 years – 0.15 g; 5-6 years – 0.2 g; 7-9 years – 0.25-0.5 g; 10-14 years old – 0.5-1.0 g; children under 1 year are not prescribed. Extract depending on age 0.1-2 g per reception.

Release form:
Powder; tablets of 0.3 and 0.5 g; hydroalcoholic 3% extract in vials.

Radix Rhei (Rhubarb Root) side effects:
Has some irritating effect on the intestines. Sweat, urine and milk turn yellow.

Storage conditions:
In a cool, dark place.

Contains anthraglycosides (glucorein, glucoaloemodin, chrosophanein, rheochrysin), free anthraquinone compounds (rhein, rheoemodin, chrysophanol, ficin), anthrone derivatives (palmidin A, B, C), pyrocatechol group tannins, tanoglycosides, chrysophanoic acid, resinous, dyes and other substances.
Rhubarb root is part of the product holaflux.

Before using the medication“Rhubarb Radix (Rhubarb Root)” should be consulted with a physician.
The instructions are provided solely for familiarization with “Radix Rhei (Rhubarb root) .”