Qualidilum (Квалидил)

Name:Квалидил (Qualidilum)

Indications for use:
To achieve muscle relaxation during anesthesia and facilitate tracheal intubation (insertion of a special breathing tube into the trachea).

Pharmacological action:
Non- depolarizing muscle relaxant (muscle relaxant). Competitive antagonist of acetylcholine in relation to n-cholinergic receptors of skeletal muscles. Causes a temporary violation of neuromuscular conduction and relaxation of skeletal muscles. When administered in small doses, relaxation of skeletal muscles is noted without stopping breathing. The weakening of breathing is associated with the shutdown of the function of the respiratory muscles; while providing effective respiratory support, the product does not (even in large doses) affect blood circulation. Neuromuscular blockade is eliminated by anticholinesterase drugs. It has less ganglioblocking effect than d-tubocurarine. Does not change blood pressure.

Qualidilum (Qualidil) method of administration and doses:
Qualidil is administered intravenously. At a dose of 1 mg/kg, the product causes muscle relaxation lasting up to 10 minutes, with some respiratory depression. Doses of 1.2 – 1.5 mg / kg cause muscle relaxation, which lasts 15 – 20 minutes, while some patients experience apnea for 4 – 5 minutes. Usually this dose is used in cases where tracheal intubation is performed using dithylin. Complete muscle relaxation occurs at a dose of 1.8 – 2 mg / kg, while apnea lasts approximately 17 – 25 minutes. At a dose of 2 mg / kg, the muscles begin to relax after 1/2 – 2 minutes, and apnea and complete muscle relaxation occur after 1.5 – 4 minutes.
The exit from the state of curarization occurs gradually: after the appearance of spontaneous breathing, muscle relaxation is preserved for 15-20 minutes; after 25 – 30 minutes, muscle tone and breathing are usually completely restored.
For the first injection, qualidil is used at the rate of 1.5-2 mg/kg.
If it is necessary to extend the action of qualidil, it is administered repeatedly, reducing subsequent doses by 1.5-2 times.
In total, an operation lasting 1.5 – 2 hours consumes 200 – 220 mg of the product.
Prozerin is an antagonist of qualidil.

Qualidilum (Kvalidil) contraindications:
Qualidil, as well as other muscle relaxants, is contraindicated in myasthenia; it should be used with caution in patients with severe impaired liver and kidney function and in old age. Like other muscle relaxants, qualidil is used only for intubation anesthesia and in the presence of the conditions necessary for mechanical ventilation. In connection with the possibility of developing tachycardia, it should be used with caution in patients with cardiovascular disorders. Qualidil is not widely used.

Qualidilum (Qualidil) side effects:
Qualidil does not change blood pressure, but causes moderate tachycardia. A number of patients have high salivation and sweating; to reduce salivation, atropine is injected into the vein (0.2–0.3 ml of a 0.1% solution). Some patients may develop hyperemia of the skin of the anterior surface of the neck and upper half of the body, which disappears after a few minutes.

Release form:
2% solution in ampoules of 1, 2 and 5 ml in a pack of 10 pcs.

Qualidilum (Qualidil) composition:
1, 6-Hexamethylene-bis-(3 benzylquinuclidinium chloride) tetrahydrate.
White crystalline powder. Easily soluble in water and alcohol; pH of aqueous solutions is 5.5–7.5.

Storage conditions:
List A. In a place protected from light.

Before using the medication“Qualidilum (Qualidil)” should be consulted with a doctor.
The instructions are provided solely for familiarization with “Qualidilum (Квалидил) ».