Octadinum (Octadine)

Name: Octadinum (Oktadin)

Name:Octadinum (Octadinum)

Indications for use:
Used as a hypotensive (lowering blood pressure) agent for various, including severe, forms of hypertension (persistent rise in blood pressure).

Pharmacological action:
Sympatholytic agent. Reduces blood pressure.

Octadinum (Oktadin) method of administration and doses:
Assign inside, starting with 0.01-0.0125 g 1 time every day, then gradually increase the dose to 0.05-0.075 g (usually 0.01-0.0125 g weekly ), followed by a maintenance dose.

Octadinum (Oktadin) contraindications:
Acute cerebrovascular accident, severe atherosclerosis, kidney failure, myocardial infarction, pheochromocytoma (tumor of the adrenal glands), hypotension (low blood pressure).

Octadinum (Oktadin) side effects:
Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, general weakness, dizziness, adynamia (a sharp decrease in range of motion), swelling of the nasal mucosa, pain in the ear gland, fluid retention by tissues, impaired ejaculation (sperm secretion), orthostatic hypotension ( drop in blood pressure when moving from a horizontal to a vertical position), collapse (a sharp drop in blood pressure).

Release form:
Powder; tablets (drops) of 0.025 g.

Isobarin, Ismelin, Guanethidine sulfate, Abapressin, Sanotensin, Antipres, Azetidine, Declidine, Eutenzol, Guanexil, Guanisol, Ipoktal, Ipoguanine, Iporal, Octatenzin, Oftalmotonil, Octatenzin, Pressedin, Vizutensil.

Storage conditions:
List B. In a dry, dark place.

Before using the medication“Octadinum (Oktadin)” should be consulted with a doctor.
The instructions are provided solely for familiarization with “Octadinum (Octadine) “.