Magnesii oxydum (Magnesium oxide)

Indications for use:
With hyperacid gastritis (inflammation of the stomach due to a persistent increase in acidity), peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Pharmacological action:
Magnesium oxide is one of the main representatives of antacids used to reduce the high acidity of gastric juice.
When introduced into the stomach, magnesium oxide is not absorbed, it neutralizes the hydrochloric acid of the gastric contents with the formation of magnesium chloride. The release of carbon dioxide does not occur, therefore, the antacid (reducing the acidity of the stomach) effect of magnesium oxide is not accompanied by secondary hypersecretion. The phenomena of alkalosis (Scaling) are not observed. Passing into the intestines, magnesium chloride has a laxative effect.

Magnesii oxydum (Magnesium oxide) method of administration and dose:
Assign inside (0.25-0.5-1 g each) with increased acidity of gastric juice, acid poisoning and as a mild laxative (3-5 g per dose).
Usually antacid products are taken 1/2 hour before meals. However, it should be borne in mind that when taken on an empty stomach, the antacid effect is short-lived (within 30 minutes), it increases significantly (up to 3-4 hours) when taking antacids after meals. For a long-term antacid effect, it is advisable to take them after 1 hour and 3 hours after a meal.
Before use, the tablets must be thoroughly crushed.

Storage conditions:
In a well-closed container.

Release form:
Powder and tablets of 0.5 g.

Burnt magnesia.

Before using the medication“Magnesii oxydum (Magnesium oxide)” should be consulted with a doctor.
The instructions are provided solely for familiarization with “Magnesii oxydum (Magnesium oxide) “.