Kalii iodidum (Potassium iodide)

Name:Potassium iodide (Kalii iodidum)

Indications for use:
It is used as an iodine product for hyperthyroidism (thyroid disease), endemic goiter (thyroid disease due to low iodine content in water), to prepare for operations with severe forms of thyrotoxicosis (thyroid disease due to its increased function), with inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, bronchial asthma; with eye diseases (cataracts, clouding of the cornea / transparent membrane of the eye, and vitreous body, hemorrhages in the membranes of the eye) as well as with fungal infections of the conjunctiva (the outer shell of the eyeball) and the cornea. Prevention of radioactive damage to the thyroid gland. It is also used as an aid in patients with syphilis.

Pharmacological action:
Influences the synthetic function (formation of hormones) of the thyroid gland, inhibits the formation of thyroid-stimulating hormone of the anterior pituitary gland (pituitary hormones that regulate thyroid function), reflexively increases the secretion of bronchial glands (sputum), has proteolytic (protein-splitting) properties. When used locally, it exhibits antiseptic (disinfecting) activity. An important property of potassium iodide is its ability to prevent the accumulation of radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland and protect it from the effects of radiation.

Kalii iodidum (Potassium iodide) method of administration and dosage:
Potassium iodide is taken orally in the form of tablets, solutions and mixtures. To avoid irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, drink milk, jelly or sweet tea.
With endemic goiter Assign inside of 0.04 g 1 time per week. In endemic areas, table salt is also used, to which 1.0-2.5 g of potassium iodide is added per 100 kg of salt. With diffuse goiter (thyroid disease), 0.04 g is prescribed 3 times every day, then 0.125 g 1-2 times every day in courses of 20 days with breaks of 10 days.
As a mucolytic (sputum thinning) agent, a 1-3% solution of 2-3 tablespoons (0.3-1.0 g) is prescribed 3-4 times every day.
As an adjuvant, potassium iodide is prescribed to patients with syphilis (mainly in the tertiary period). The drug promotes the resorption of infiltrates (seals), reducing pain. Assign in the form of a 3-4% solution of 1 tablespoon 3 times every day after meals.
Relatively large doses (1 tablespoon of a 10-20% solution 4 times every day) are prescribed for actinomycosis of the lungs (fungal disease of the lungs).
In ophthalmic practice, eye drops of potassium iodide in the form of a 3% solution are used as a “resolving” agent. Buried in the conjunctival sac (the cavity between the posterior surface of the eyelids and the anterior surface of the eyeball) 2 drops 3-4 times every day for 10-15 days. If necessary, the courses of treatment are repeated.
If there is a threat of radioactive iodine entering the body, to protect against irradiation of the thyroid gland, adults and children over 2 years of age are prescribed 0.125 g 1 time every day; children under 2 years old – 0.04 g every day. The tablet is crushed and given with a small amount of jelly or sweet tea.
The drug is taken every day until the threat of radioactive iodine entering the body disappears.
To protect the thyroid gland from the effects of radiopharmaceutical products labeled with radioactive iodine used in scanning (determination), potassium iodide is given at a dose of 0.125 g 1 time every day for 5-10 days.

Kalii iodidum (Potassium iodide) contraindications:
The drug is contraindicated in pulmonary tuberculosis, nephritis, nephrosis (kidney disease), furunculosis (multiple purulent inflammation of the skin), acne, pyoderma (purulent inflammation of the skin), hemorrhagic diathesis (increased bleeding), urticaria, increased sensitivity to iodine, pregnancy, with the exception of cases of the threat of ingestion of radioactive isotopes of iodine. In these cases, potassium chlorate (0.75 g) is prescribed simultaneously with potassium iodide (0.125 g).

Kalii iodidum (Potassium iodide) side effects:
When using potassium iodide, iodism phenomena are possible (non-infectious inflammation of the mucous membranes at the sites of iodine excretion in case of an overdose or individual intolerance to iodine products): runny nose, urticaria, Quincke’s edema, etc., and when taken orally – unpleasant sensations in the epigastric region.

Release form:
Tablets of 0.04; 0.125; 0.25 and 0.5 g in orange glass jars; 3% solution in vials of 200 ml and 10 ml – eye drops.

Potassium iodide.

Storage conditions:
In a dry, dark place.

Kalii iodidum (Potassium iodide) composition:
Colorless (white) cubic crystals or white fine crystalline powder, odorless, salty-bitter in taste. Damp in moist air. Easily soluble in water (1:0.75), alcohol (1:12), glycerin (1:2.5).

Before using the medication“Kalii iodidum (Potassium iodide)” should be consulted with a doctor.
The instructions are provided solely for familiarization with “Kalii iodidum (Potassium iodide) ».

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