Ectericidum (Ectericide)

Name:Ectericide (Ectericidum)

Indications for use:
Wounds complicated by pyogenic flora, boils (inflammation of the hair follicle of the skin that has spread to surrounding tissues), carbuncles (acute diffuse purulent-necrotic inflammation of several adjacent sebaceous glands and hair follicles), burns, festering trophic ulcers (not healing for a long time skin damage) for sanitation (treatment) of carriers of meningococcus.

Pharmacological action:
Antibacterial (leading to the death of bacteria) product. It is active against pyogenic (pyogenic) microflora (Proteus, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli).

Ectericidum (Ectericid) method of administration and dose:
Outwardly (irrigation of the wound surface, dressings). Dressings are changed after 3-4 days; for burns, the product is used with a 0.5% solution of novocaine (10 ml of novocaine per 50 ml of ectricide). For sanitation of meningococcal carriers, the nasopharynx is irrigated (25-30 ml of the product), 4-5 drops are instilled into the nose and turundas (narrow gauze swabs) are placed in each half of the nose for 20-25 minutes; sanitation is carried out under bacteriological control.

Ectericidum (Ekteritsid) contraindications:
Not established.

Ectericidum (Ekteritsidum) side effects:
Not identified.

Release form:
In vials of 250 ml.

Ectericidum (Ekteritsidum) composition:
A preparation obtained from fish oil. Contains aldehydes, fatty acids and peroxides.

Storage conditions:
At a temperature from +4 to +10 °C.

Before using the medication“Ectericidum (Ectericide)” should be consulted with a doctor.
The instructions are provided solely for familiarization with “Ectericidum (Ectericide) “.

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