Marsh cinquefoil is a perennial plant from the Rosaceae family. Other names: swamp, brylena, clove, water decoction, decon, decon, marsh strawberry, spool, bud legs, pabo.
Perennial with creeping longish woody rhizome. Stems rooting at the base, ascending, glandular-pubescent in the upper part. Leaves pinnate on long petioles, with 3-7 leaflets, the uppermost ones are sometimes entire; leaflets are oblong, acutely serrated, green above, below with velvety whitish pubescence; the petioles of the leaflets are often brought together, and the leaf appears to be palmate. Flowers 2-3 in a corymbose inflorescence at the top of the stem, sepals, petals, stamens and columns are dark red. Blooms in June-July. The cinquefoil grows in grassy swamps, along the banks of rivers and lakes, in damp meadows, in ditches; occurs frequently.
Contains active substances:
Marsh cinquefoil contains essential oil, tannins, flavonoids.
Medicinal use:
A decoction of the roots is drunk for rheumatism, stomach pains; a decoction of the whole plant is drunk for pulmonary tuberculosis, diseases caused by weight lifting; decoction of herbs gargle sore throat; used for bites from rabid dogs.