Stonecrop (Sedum acre L.)

Stonecrop is a perennial plant from the Crassulaceae family. Other names: acute juvenile, hernia grass, fever grass, messenger, young, juvenile, bitter wall pepper, stone pepper, bird bread, warty grass,


A low perennial plant with an ascending stem, leafy with small sessile ovate leaves. The flowers are golden yellow in few-flowered racemes, collected at the top of the stems. Stonecrop blooms all summer. Stonecrop grows on sandy open grassy slopes, wasteland uplands. Occurs frequently.

Contains active substances:

Stonecrop caustic contains the alkaloid sedamine, flavonoids, tannins, organic acids, resin.

Medicinal use:

Stonecrop grass is brewed as tea and drunk for heart disease, stomach pain, liver disease; catarrh of the upper respiratory tract; furunculosis, diathesis, childhood eczema, skin tuberculosis in babies; eat grass with bread for malaria; small babies are bathed or fumigated with smoke; ointment prepared from fresh grass with pork fat, used for bone fractures, lichen; the same ointment with the addition of camphor is used for various kinds of tumors; stonecrop is used for epilepsy, intermittent fever; from the English disease; freckles are smeared with stonecrop juice; they drink a decoction for malaria, an ointment from the grass is applied to wounds. Pharmacological studies have shown the activity of stonecrop herb as a means of tonic and stimulating the intestines, relaxing the muscles of the uterus, and increasing blood pressure.