Other names: Pansies, Ivan da Marya, Sparrow Seed, Magpie Seed, Zolotukha, Brothers, Three-flowered, Kamchug, Magpie, Nedushnik, Axes, Semi-flower.
Diseases and effects: Acute respiratory diseases, chronic bronchitis and bronchopneumonia, whooping cough, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract, urolithiasis, uric acid diathesis, allergic dermatitis, exudative diathesis, eczema, rheumatism, gout, scrofula.
Active substances: Flavonoid glycoside, violaquercetin, delphinidin, peonidin, violanin, methyl ester, salicylic acid, -carotenoids, violaxanthin, ascorbic acid, violaemetin alkaloid, saponins, tannins, mucous polysaccharides, rutin.
Collection time: May – July
Violet family (Violaceae)\r
Botanical description
Biennial herbaceous plant up to 15-20 cm high, violet family (Violaceae). This plant is often called Ivan da Marya, however, it is necessary to distinguish plants from the genus maryannik (norichnikov family), which are also popularly called Ivan da Marya, from violets.\r
Stem ascending, branched, triangular, covered with short hairs, hollow inside.\r
The leaves are arranged alternately, oblong-ovate, entire, glabrous, with pinnate stipules, coarsely serrated along the edges; the lower ones are rounded heart-shaped, with longish roots, the upper ones are elongated-lanceolate, on short cuttings.\r
The flowers are large, solitary, sitting on three- or four-sided long pedicels; petals are multi-colored: the upper ones are purple, the middle ones are blue or light purple; the lower petal is yellow with purple stripes, the lower and two lateral ones have hairs at the base.\r
The fruit is an elongated ovoid tricuspid capsule.\r
The root is thin, slightly branched, brownish.\r
There is a close species, which is also collected – field violet . The latter differs from tricolor violet in that it has smaller flowers, all petals are light yellow. Grows like a weed in the fields.\r
Blossoms in May-June, bears fruit in July-August.\r
Violet tricolor grows on oily soil in meadows, forest clearings, fallow fields, in crops, on hillocks. As an ornamental plant, it is bred in flowerbeds and front gardens.\r
Violet tricolor in magic
This plant has a cold aura. He is favored by the planet Saturn and his element is water.\r
Pansy flowers are used. Usually carried around to attract love.\r
European part of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Caucasus, Western Siberia. The main areas of collection and harvesting are Ukraine, Belarus. The southern border in Ukraine runs through Donetsk to Zaporozhye and Odessa.\r
Grows in forest clearings, edges, sparse forests, thickets of shrubs, forest meadows, along roadsides, in parks, gardens. Usually forms groups, rarely – sparse thickets.\r
Procurement of raw materials
For the preparation of medicines, the herb of tricolor violet, sometimes roots, is used. Grass is harvested during flowering (in May-June, according to some sources – until July inclusive), cutting the entire plant at a height of several centimeters from the ground and folding, without compacting, into baskets or bags. Lower thick stems and roots are discarded.\r
It is also allowed to harvest the field violet, which grows in the same areas as the tricolor violet, but differs in smaller flowers (up to 1.5 cm in diameter), white upper and bright yellow middle and lower petals. Its corolla is equal to or slightly longer than the calyx. Field violet is confined to dry, depleted, slightly acidic soils. It is found only in vegetable gardens, along roads, in fields, most often in fallows.\r
Each type of violet (tricolor and field) must be collected separately, without mixing the raw materials.\r
The roots are dug up in autumn after the flowering of the plant. The harvested roots are boiled and cut lengthwise.\r
Dry raw materials in the open air, in well-ventilated rooms, in attics, spreading them out in a thin layer (5-7 cm thick) on a bedding (paper or fabric) and periodically turning over. The roots are dried on iron sheets in a slightly warm oven (at a temperature of 40 ° C). Properly dried grass rustles when kneaded.\r
The raw material consists of stems 10-25 cm long with leaves, single flowers, and single fruits. The smell is weak. The taste is sweetish. Humidity is not higher than 14%. The raw materials are allowed – no more than 3% of crushed parts (passing through a sieve with a hole diameter of 2 mm), organic and mineral impurities – no more than 3% and 1%, respectively. Grass is packed in bales or bags. Store in dry, well-ventilated areas, on racks. Storage period 1.5 years.\r
Chemical composition
The herb contains flavone glycoside, violaquercetin and anthocyanin glycosides – delphinidin, peonidin, violanin (consisting of delphinidin, glucose, rhamnose and hydroxycinnamic acid); a small amount of essential oil (consisting of methyl ester and salicylic acid); β-carotenoids, violaxanthin, ascorbic acid, violaemetin alkaloid, saponins, tannins, mucous polysaccharides, rutin.\r
Pharmacological properties
Violet tricolor has anti-inflammatory properties, which are associated with the presence in the aerial part of the plant of a pharmacologically active essential oil and mucus-like substances that have an antiseptic effect in the gastrointestinal tract, enhance the secretion of the bronchial glands and facilitate the excretion of sputum. Saponins determine the bronchodilator, expectorant and diuretic properties of plants.\r
The flavone glycoside violaquercetin, which, like rutin, with local and resorptive action, contributes to the compaction of cell membranes, slows down the absorption of all kinds of substances by inflamed tissues, which is characteristic of the anti-inflammatory action of flavonoids and tannins, is considered no less an active component of violet herb.\r
When taking violet products inside, in addition to the local anti-inflammatory effect, there is also some antispasmodic and choleretic effect. Violet preparations, like rutin, inhibit the development of traumatic edema in rats, have an anti-inflammatory effect on models of dextran edema, also reduce vascular permeability and give a pronounced hyposensitizing effect.\r
Application in medicine
Violet has been used as a medicine since ancient times.\r
Violet tricolor preparations are used independently in the form of infusions and decoctions, also mixed with other medicinal plants of a similar therapeutic effect. Basically, violet grass is prescribed as an expectorant and cough softener for acute respiratory diseases, chronic bronchitis and bronchopneumonia, and whooping cough.\r
Infusions and decoctions of violet herb enhance the secretion of bronchial glands, soften inflammatory plaques, facilitate sputum separation, increase the motor activity of the ciliated epithelium of the mucous membranes, contributing to faster evacuation of sputum and, therefore, soothing cough.\r
Violet grass is prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. The plant is used in complex therapy for urolithiasis, uric acid diathesis and other urological diseases.\r
Anti-inflammatory and hyposensitizing properties of violets are used for allergic dermatitis, exudative diathesis, eczema. In these diseases, violet grass is used topically in the form of lotions and for preparing baths.\r
There are no contraindications to the use of violet products. However, with an overdose of galenic forms of violet, nausea and vomiting are possible. The emetic action is attributed to the alkaloid violaemetine and saponins.\r
In folk medicine, violet herb infusions are also used for rheumatism, gout, as well as a diaphoretic, antiallergic and blood purifier. Quite widely used infusions and decoctions of violets for scrofula in babies.\r
Violet is also known abroad as a medicinal plant. In Bulgaria, for example, it is used as a diaphoretic, antirheumatic and emollient. In Colombia, violets are used to treat fever, in Brazil, respiratory diseases. Violet is successfully used in cosmetology. Due to its anti-inflammatory, astringent, emollient properties, the infusion of this plant is recommended in the form of lotions for oily seborrhea of the face and head. In collections with other medicinal plants, for example, nettle, burdock, it is useful to rinse the hair after washing.\r
Dosage forms, method of administration and doses
Infusion of tricolor violet herb (Infusum herbae Violae tricoloris): 5 g (1 tablespoon) of raw material is poured into 200 ml (1 glass) of hot boiled water, heated in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cooled at room temperature for 45 minutes, filtered, the rest of the plant material wring out. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times every day for colds, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.\r
Two tablespoons of crushed raw materials are brewed with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours and filtered. Used for rinsing the mouth.\r
Growing advice
This valuable medicinal and beautifully flowering plant can be grown in the backyard. To do this, it will be necessary to choose a place with loose, nutritious and loamy soil, with light shade. Violet is propagated by seedlings (according to the type of well-known garden forms). To do this, the seeds are sown in June-July in cold greenhouses. Sow in shallow furrows, lightly embedding into the soil. Emerging seedlings are thinned out (the feeding area is 8 × 8 cm), and at the end of August they are planted in rows in a permanent place. Row spacing 60 cm and 25-30 cm in a row. Violet loves good care (weed removal, loosening) and moisture. Plants winter well and bloom early.