Rosehip cinnamon

Popular names: May rosehip, cinnamon rose, rosehip, shipshina, cockerel berries, svoroborina.

BROWN ROSE (Rosa cinnamomea L.)A thorny shrub of the Rosaceae family, up to 2 m high. The branches are thin, shiny, brown-red, with a few small, somewhat curved thorns, traditionally sitting in 2 at the base of the leaves. The leaves are imparipinnate, consisting of 7-9 oblong-elliptical or ovate, toothed leaflets along the edge, covered with bluish-green hairs above. Flowers solitary or 2-3. Corolla with five pink or dark red petals. Stamens and pistils numerous. Fruits (hypanthia) are spherical or ovoid, smooth, bare, orange or red, fleshy, contain numerous fruitlets (nuts). The inner walls of the fruit are covered with hairs, sepals are preserved at the top of the fruit. It blooms from May to July, the fruits ripen in August – September, remaining on the branches until winter. Rosehip bears fruit from 2-3 years of age, Plants give the greatest harvest at 10-12 years of age. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively (offspring and green cuttings). The age of individual plants reaches 400 years. Distributed almost throughout the CIS, with the exception of the Black Sea and Crimea. It grows in sparse forests, along the edges, among shrubs, along ravines, meadows, most often along river floodplains. For many peoples, wild rose is a favorite household, ritual and sacred plant: garlands were woven from its flowers for brides, poets, heroes and rulers, women and girls adorned themselves with beads made of bright fruits; it was an attribute of social events and funeral rites. The ancient Romans considered it a symbol of morality, the Greeks planted rose gardens within the temple of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, decorated the path of the newlyweds with rose petals. Among the Slavic peoples, rose hips are a symbol of beauty, youth, and love. At the same time, it also symbolizes a strong male become. In the Muscovite State, the Pharmaceutical Order, organized in the 17th century, was among the first to include “fruits of the svoroborin” in the plan for state procurement. For its preparations, expeditions were sent to the Orenburg steppes. To maintain strength, the emaciated sick and wounded were given “svoroborin molasses”, and the wounds themselves were washed and bandages soaked in rose water were applied to them.


Medicinal raw materials are rose hips. The fruits are harvested in August – September, when they acquire an orange-red or red color, but are still slightly unripe, firm and do not require special care when harvesting. The collection will need to be completed before the onset of frost, since fruits touched by frost lose a large amount of vitamins during drying. The fruits are harvested by hand in baskets or buckets. They can be stored no more than 3-4 days. After harvesting, they will need to be dried. It can be dried in the sun or in well-ventilated attics, spreading in a thin layer, but it is better in dryers at a temperature of 80-90 ° C (at this temperature, loss of vitamins is negligible). The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years. The smell of raw materials is absent, the taste is sour-sweet, slightly astringent. Flowers and leaves are collected during flowering, dried in the air. The roots are dug up in late autumn, cleaned from the ground, dried in the air. The shelf life of the roots is 2 years, the flowers are 1 year. To obtain rosehip oil, fruitlets (nuts) are also harvested separately. Other types of rose hips are allowed to be used as vitamin raw materials: rose hips (Rosa acicularis Lindl.) differs from cinnamon rose hips by the presence of straight or slightly curved spines ; Daurian wild rose (Rosa davurica Pall.) has a brown or black-purple bark; Begger’s rosehip (Rosa beggerana Schrenk.) differs from cinnamon rosehip in almost upright slender branches, white petals and small spherical fruits; Rosehip Fedchenko (Rosa Fedtschenkoana Regel) differs from cinnamon rosehip in large white, rarely pink flowers and very large fruits; wrinkled wild rose (Rosa rugosa Thunb. ) is distinguished by the presence of numerous straight, unequal length spikes with an admixture of needle-shaped spines or bristles, dark crimson petals, large spherical or oblate-spherical bright red fruits. Dog rosehip (Rosa canina L.) is used for the manufacture of choleretic products (“Holosas”). Young shoots of dog rose hips are strongly curved, the bark is greenish or reddish-brown in color without a bluish bloom. The sepals are pinnately dissected, after flowering they bend down and fall off long before the fruit ripens, so they do not have a hole at the top, which is a characteristic difference from other types of wild rose. Dahurian and Fedchenko – in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk and Chita Regions and the Far East; Begger – in Central Asia and Kazakhstan; wrinkled – in the Far East; canine – especially common in the southern regions of Ukraine, in Moldova, in the Caucasus.


The pharmacological activity of rose hips depends mainly on the content of the vitamin complex in the plant. Ascorbic acid essentially determines the biological activity of the fruits of the plant. Rose hips and medicinal products from them have an antiscorbutic effect, significantly increase the redox processes in the body, since ascorbic and dehydroascorbic acids are involved in the oxidative deamination of aromatic amino acids, activate a number of enzyme systems, stabilize the content of adrenaline and other catecholamines, stimulate the body’s resistance to harmful environmental influences, infections and other adverse factors. In addition, ascorbic acid has an anti-sclerotic effect, manifested in a decrease in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and in the inhibition of the deposition of atheromatous masses in the walls of blood vessels. Rose hips enhance tissue regeneration, hormone synthesis, favorably affect carbohydrate metabolism and vascular wall permeability. Rosehip oil, obtained from seeds, in the experiment reduces gastric secretion and acidity of gastric juice. In addition, it has anti-ulcer activity.


Roots. Decoction – astringent and antiseptic; with diarrhea, dyspepsia, cystitis, hypertension, intermittent fever, heart disease; externally (baths) – for rheumatism and paralysis. Branches. Decoction – as an astringent; with diarrhea, dyspepsia, colic, rheumatism, sciatica. Flowers. Infusion (lotions) – with conjunctivitis; as anti-inflammatory and soothing. A decoction of petals – with hypovitaminosis, colds, general weakness; with honey – with erysipelas. Fruits. They are part of the anti-asthma mixture of Traskov, Holosas, Karotolin. Vitaminized syrup contains a large amount of magnesium, it is recommended for patients with thrombosis, hypertension with impaired salt metabolism. The preparations “Karotolin” and “Rosehip oil” exhibit biological activity characteristic of vitamins A, E and F, and are used for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, peptic ulcer, trophic ulcers, gynecological diseases. Fruits are used as an additional source of iron for iron deficiency and other anemias. Rosehip preparations are prescribed for chronic and acute infections, nephritis, patients in the preoperative period and after surgery, for injuries, chronic and acute pneumonia, for vascular diseases of the brain, for eye diseases accompanied by small hemorrhages. In folk medicine, infusion – with hypovitaminosis and as a choleretic, tonic and adaptogenic; with infectious diseases, bone fractures, wounds, anemia, asthenia, metrorrhagia, burns, frostbite, to enhance potency, improve sleep, with anorexia, treatment of chronic anacid and achilic gastritis; decoction – for colds, diseases of the kidneys, bladder, urolithiasis, headache. The fruits are part of the vitamin and gastric fees. Often it is combined with the fruits of blackcurrant, mountain ash, lingonberry, containing a P-vitamin complex, in the presence of which the therapeutic effect of wild rose is enhanced. Rosehip is used in collections for vitamin-oxygen cocktails used in gastrointestinal diseases. Seeds. Fatty oil – for the treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis (enemas), dermatoses; externally – with trophic ulcers of the lower leg, bedsores, nipple cracks, abrasions. In folk medicine, a decoction is used as a diuretic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory, astringent. The fruits are part of the vitamin and gastric fees. Often it is combined with the fruits of blackcurrant, mountain ash, lingonberry, containing a P-vitamin complex, in the presence of which the therapeutic effect of wild rose is enhanced. Rosehip is used in collections for vitamin-oxygen cocktails used in gastrointestinal diseases. Seeds. Fatty oil – for the treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis (enemas), dermatoses; externally – with trophic ulcers of the lower leg, bedsores, nipple cracks, abrasions. In folk medicine, a decoction is used as a diuretic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory, astringent. The fruits are part of the vitamin and gastric fees. Often it is combined with the fruits of blackcurrant, mountain ash, lingonberry, containing a P-vitamin complex, in the presence of which the therapeutic effect of wild rose is enhanced. Rosehip is used in collections for vitamin-oxygen cocktails used in gastrointestinal diseases. Seeds. Fatty oil – for the treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis (enemas), dermatoses; externally – with trophic ulcers of the lower leg, bedsores, nipple cracks, abrasions. In folk medicine, a decoction is used as a diuretic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory, astringent. used in gastrointestinal diseases. Seeds. Fatty oil – for the treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis (enemas), dermatoses; externally – with trophic ulcers of the lower leg, bedsores, nipple cracks, abrasions. In folk medicine, a decoction is used as a diuretic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory, astringent. used in gastrointestinal diseases. Seeds. Fatty oil – for the treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis (enemas), dermatoses; externally – with trophic ulcers of the lower leg, bedsores, nipple cracks, abrasions. In folk medicine, a decoction is used as a diuretic, choleretic and anti-inflammatory, astringent.


Infusion of rose hips (Infusum fructuum Rosae): 10 g (1 tablespoon) of raw materials are placed in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml of hot boiled water, cover with a lid and heat in boiling water (in a water bath) for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45 min, strain. The remaining raw material is squeezed out. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted with boiled water to 200 ml. The prepared infusion is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times every day after meals as a vitamin remedy. Cholosasum. Syrup prepared on condensed aqueous extract of dog rose hips and sugar. Thick, syrupy liquid of dark brown color, sweet and sour taste, peculiar smell. Assign for cholecystitis, hepatitis, 1 teaspoon per reception 2-3 times every day, children – 1/4 teaspoon 2-3 times every day. Holosas has choleretic and hypolipidemic properties. Store in a cool dry place. Produced in bottles of 250 ml. Carotolin (Carotolinum) is an oily extract from rose hips. Contains carotenoids, tocopherols, unsaturated fatty acids. It is an orange liquid with a specific odor and taste. The content of carotenoids in terms of carotene is not less than 120 mg%. Produced in bottles of 100 ml. It is used as an external wound healing agent for trophic ulcers, eczema, erythroderma and diseases accompanied by hypotrophy of the skin and mucous membranes, as well as for the prevention and treatment of radiation injuries in patients receiving radiotherapy (3-4 applications on the irradiated skin area). Rosehip oil (Oleum Rosae) is a brown oily liquid with a green tint, a bitter taste and a specific smell. Contains tocopherols not less than 40 mg%, carotenoids not less than 55 mg%. Store in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 20°C. Produced in bottles of 100 ml. Apply externally. Rosehip oil and carotolin are used for rhinitis and pharyngitis in the form of daily lubrication of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa or in the form of inhalations. During the fall, a cotton swab with rosehip oil is injected into the nasal cavity for 20-30 minutes. Rosehip syrup (Sirupus ex fructibus Rosae) is produced by the medical industry with an ascorbic acid content of 5 mg per 1 ml. ♦ Rosehip root decoction: 40 g of crushed dried raw materials pour 200 ml of water, boil for 15-30 minutes, insist 5 hours, then filter. Take 1 glass 3 times every day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. ♦ Decoction of wild rose petals: 100 g of raw materials are poured into 200 ml of water, boiled for 30 minutes, insisted for 6 hours, then filtered. Take 1/4 cup 2-3 times every day. ♦ Rosehip achenes decoction: 10 g of rosehip achenes powder is poured into 200 ml of water, boiled, infused for 2 hours, then filtered. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times every day. CONTRAINDICATIONS AND POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: thrombophlebitis, endocarditis and circulatory failure. After taking rosehip infusion, it is imperative to rinse your mouth with warm water or warm soda water, as the acids contained in the infusion corrode tooth enamel. Take 1/4 cup 2-3 times every day. ♦ Rosehip achenes decoction: 10 g of rosehip achenes powder is poured into 200 ml of water, boiled, infused for 2 hours, then filtered. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times every day. CONTRAINDICATIONS AND POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: thrombophlebitis, endocarditis and circulatory failure. After taking rosehip infusion, it is imperative to rinse your mouth with warm water or warm soda water, as the acids contained in the infusion corrode tooth enamel. Take 1/4 cup 2-3 times every day. ♦ Rosehip achenes decoction: 10 g of rosehip achenes powder is poured into 200 ml of water, boiled, infused for 2 hours, then filtered. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times every day. CONTRAINDICATIONS AND POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: thrombophlebitis, endocarditis and circulatory failure. After taking rosehip infusion, it is imperative to rinse your mouth with warm water or warm soda water, as the acids contained in the infusion corrode tooth enamel.


Young branches can be used for food. The bark of the branches gives a brown color. The flowers can be used to make jam, and are also suitable for flavoring tea. Vitamin extracts from fruits are suitable for the production of caramel fillings, ketchup, ice cream, jelly. Rosehip infusion is added to the dough to enrich bread with ascorbic acid, folacin, mineral salts, improve the organoleptic properties of baked bread. Thanks to rose hips, the porosity of bread, its elasticity, the quality of the crust increase, the taste and aroma improve, the bread stales more slowly. The fruits can be used for jam, jelly, marshmallow, marmalade, as a substitute for tea, and also to give wines a spicy taste and aroma. The fruits give a beautiful orange dye for fabrics and wool, the roots and galls give a brown dye for fabrics. Rosehip galls are suitable as a tanning agent. Seeds are a substitute for coffee. Honey plant. Decorative. Cultivated, there are varieties. Harvest of fruits in culture – up to 3 t/ha.


The plant requires light and humus-rich soils, pH – 5.5-6.5, develops well on chernozems, loamy and sandy soils. Under the wild rose, drained, leveled areas without a close occurrence of groundwater should be allocated. When growing plants on acidic soils, liming with slaked lime will be necessary at the rate of 300-800 g per 1 m 2. Plots must be provided with irrigation. It is better to plant plants in plots, in gardens from autumn before the soil freezes or in early spring before bud break in rows at a distance of 1.5 m from each other; the distance between the rows is 3 m. Planting pits 40 cm deep and 40-60 cm in diameter are filled with a nutrient mixture consisting of 10-15 kg of humus (compost), 200 g of superphosphate, 50 g of potassium salt, 70 g of ammonium nitrate. Fertilizers are thoroughly mixed with the soil and the seedling is planted in a planting hole so that the root neck after watering (4-5 liters of water per bush) is at the level of the soil. Then mulch with peat and sawdust. Before planting, the shoots are cut into 2-3 buds (10 cm); the roots are immersed in a clay mash, preferably with heteroauxin (100 mg per 10 liters of water). Then the seedlings are placed in a hole, the roots are spread around the circumference, sprinkled with earth and compacted. For better pollination and increase in yield, after 3-4 plants, 1-2 rosehip bushes of another variety are planted. During the autumn planting before winter, the plants are spudded, and then in the spring, immediately after frost, they are unscrambled. Plant care is reduced to keeping the tree trunks in a loose and weed-free state, annual top dressing, consisting (per 1 m2 ) from 1-1.5 kg of organic matter, 200-300 g of superphosphate, 100-150 g of potassium salt, 100-200 g of ammonium nitrate. Instead of a mixture, 300-350 g of nitrophoska can be added. Fruit harvest from a bush is 1-4 kg. Currently, the following varieties are most common: Vitamin VNIVI, Yubileiny, Large-fruited VNIVI, Besshipny VNIVI, Vorontsovsky – 1, Vorontsovsky – 2, Vorontsovsky – 3, Late-ripening, Russian – 1, Russian – 2.


Dried rosehip.

Rinse ripe rose hips and dry in whole or in halves, removing seeds and hairs, first at a temperature of 100 ° C (whole fruits – 10, cut – 6-7 minutes), dry at 70-75 ° C. In a well-dried rosehip, the skin does not wrinkle when squeezed, but springy. Dried fruits crumble. After drying, grinding in the hands, remove the sepals from the fruits and keep the wild rose at room temperature for 1-2 days. Then pour into paper or cloth bags. Use as needed in the preparation of all kinds of dishes.

Dried rosehip petals.

Collect the petals, lay them out in one layer on clean paper and dry indoors in partial shade. Store in a closed glass jar in a dark and dry place. Use as an additive to tea brewing. It turns out a pleasant and aromatic drink.

Rosehip sauce.

Sauté flour (30 g) in butter (40 g), put rosehip jam (2 tablespoons), stir and dilute with wine (50 g) and water (250 ml), add a little salt, lemon juice, lemon zest and that’s it stir again.

Rosehip soup with apples and croutons.

Put sorted, washed rose hips (80 g) into boiling water and cook for 10 minutes. Infuse for 6-8 hours, strain, add jam (40 g), chopped apples (100 g) and citric acid (to taste). Crackers are prepared from wheat bread (75 g), cut into cubes, they are served in a separate plate.

Apple soup on rosehip broth.

Pour dried rose hips (20 g) with boiling water (500 ml), boil under the lid for 5 minutes, leave for 3-5 hours. Strain, add sugar (25 g), cinnamon (0.1 g), boil again. Add finely chopped or grated apples (150 g) and refrigerate. Serve the soup with bread cut into small cubes and dried in the oven.

Rosehip mashed with sugar.

Mix rosehip puree with sugar in a ratio of 1:1, heat to a temperature of 70-80 ° C and immediately pack into hot sterilized jars and pasteurize in boiling water: half a liter – 20 minutes, liter – 25 minutes. Cork.

Rosehip petals rubbed with sugar.

Add petals (200 g) to a mixture of sugar (400 g) and citric acid (5 g), mix well and grind in small portions with a wooden spoon until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then put everything in a clean, dry glass jar, close with a lid or parchment paper and store in a dark, dry, cool place.

Rosehip juice with pulp.

Wash the rose hips, remove hairs and seeds, blanch in boiling water (no more than 2 minutes) and immediately rub through a stainless steel sieve. Mix the mashed mass with hot 30% sugar syrup in the ratio of 40% puree and 60% syrup, heat, stirring, to a temperature of 70 ° C, immediately pour into hot sterilized glass jars and pasteurize in boiling water: half a liter – 15 minutes, liter – 20 minutes. Cork. Shake before use.

Rosehip jelly.

Rose hips (1 kg) peeled from seeds and hairs, pour water (600 ml), boil over low heat until softened, wipe, squeeze out the juice. Dissolve sugar (500 g) in the juice and cook until the consistency of jelly.

Kissel from wild rose.

Chop dried rose hips (100 g), add water, boil over low heat for 15 minutes, then strain through a cloth bag or through 3 layers of gauze. Add sugar (200 g), lemon slices or citric acid (0.5 g) to the broth, pour starch (50 g) diluted in cold water, bring to a boil.

Rosehip puree.

Ripe rosehips (1 kg) are cleaned from seeds, hairs, rinsed thoroughly, poured with water, boiled for 10 minutes, put on a sieve. When the water drains, wipe, add sugar (200 g), bring to a boil, pour in rosehip petal syrup (200 ml), stir. Pour the puree into sterilized jars, cover with lids, pasteurize at a temperature of 70 ° C: half-liter – 15 minutes, liter – 20 minutes and tightly cork.

Rosehip jam.

Select slightly unripe fruits of high-vitamin rosehip varieties. Wash, chop, remove hairs and seeds, blanch in boiling water (no more than 2 minutes), drain the water. Transfer the fruits to hot 70% sugar syrup, leave in it for 3-4 hours, and then cook the jam. It is advisable to prepare syrup in water, in which rose hips were blanched. For 1 kg of prepared fruits, use 1.2-1.3 kg of sugar.

Rosehip jam with cranberries.

Prepare rose hips (1 kg), add cranberries (300 g), sugar (1.2-1.5 kg per 1 kg of the mixture). Boil like rosehip jam.

Rosehip jam with lemon juice.

Dip the prepared rose hips (1 kg) into hot 55% sugar syrup (500 g of sugar), add the juice of 1 lemon and cook over low heat. As soon as the fruits sink to the bottom, take them out, heat the syrup again to a boil, then pour it over the fruits through a hair sieve and shake well.

Wild rose petal jam.

Petals (100 g) pour 80% sugar syrup (800 g of sugar per 200 ml of water), leave for 1 hour, then add citric acid (to taste) and boil for 3-5 minutes. Arrange the jam in sterilized glass jars. Store in a cold place.

Rosehip petal syrup.

Pour the petals (50 g) with hot 70% sugar syrup (700 g of sugar per 300 ml of water), bring to a boil, insist in a sealed container for 12 hours. Then pour the syrup into sterilized jars, cover with lids. Store in a cold place. Use to flavor drinks, jellies, etc.

Rosehip jam.

Wash ripe rose hips, remove hairs and seeds, add water (1/2 cup per 1 kg of peeled fruits), boil until softened. Rub softened (but not overcooked) fruits through a stainless steel sieve and start cooking (more than 40 minutes). First, boil without sugar, and only after 10-15 minutes after the start of boiling, add sugar (750-850 g per 1 kg of puree) and cook. Pack jam in glass jars and pasteurize in boiling water: half-liter – 20 minutes, liter – 25 minutes.

Jam made from rose hips and cranberries.

Prepare puree from rose hips (1 kg) and cranberries (500 g), add sugar (1.2 kg). Cook like rosehip jam.

Rosehip pastille.

Prepare puree from rose hips (1 kg), add egg white (2 teaspoons), sugar (800 g), mix and beat for 40 minutes. Transfer the frothy mass to wooden trays lined with clean buttered paper and transfer to the oven to dry. Dry for 15-17 hours at a temperature not exceeding 60°C. Cool the dried mass, remove from the trays, free from paper and sprinkle with powdered sugar or powdered sugar.

Rosehip marmalade.

Sort the ripe rose hips, rinse, remove the stalks and leave the cups of the flower, clean from seeds and hairs, rinse well again, put in a saucepan, add water and cook until softened. Then rub the mass through a sieve, add sugar (1.2 kg) to the resulting puree (2 kg) and, with continuous stirring, cook in small portions until thickened.

Rosehip and apple marmalade.

Pour sugar (1.4 kg) into rosehip and apple puree (1 kg), stir and leave until it dissolves. Then cook in small batches until done.

Rosehip compote.

Wash the mature (not overripe) rosehips, cut them, peel them from seeds and hairs, rinse in cold water, dip in hot (90-95 ° C) 45% sugar syrup and leave in it for aging for 8-11 hours. Separate the fruits from the syrup and transfer to glass jars. Heat the syrup to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes and pour the fruits in jars, pasteurize in boiling water: half a liter – 10-15 minutes, liter – 15-20 minutes, after which the jars roll up, turn over on the lid and soak until cooling down.

Rosehip compote with sea buckthorn.

Washed large rosehips cut in half, cleaned of seeds and hairs. Rinse again, let the water drain and put in layers in jars (1 kg), alternating with prepared sea buckthorn (70-100 g). Put jars with fruits in heated water, pour boiling sugar syrup (500 g of sugar) and roll up.

Apple compote with rose hips.

Wash apples, peel. Cut into slices or cubes, blanch for 6-7 minutes at a water temperature of 85°C. Place in jars with several whole rose hips (5-8 pieces), pour 25-35% sugar syrup, pasteurize and seal tightly.

Sweets from cranberries and rose hips.

Mix jam from cranberries and rose hips (500 g each). Heat to a boil, add potato starch (200 g), mix thoroughly. Spread the resulting mass in a thin layer on trays or baking sheets, dry in a moderately heated oven, cut into squares or rectangles and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Chocolate Sandy.

In a low glass, without stirring, add rosehip juice (50 ml), chocolate syrup (25 ml), ice cream (50 g), whipped cream (20 ml), corn flakes (10 g). Decorate with fresh berries, serve with a teaspoon and straw.

Flip coffee.

Beat the egg yolk with powdered sugar (25 g), gradually adding coffee (50 ml), rosehip juice (75 ml). Mix the ingredients in a mixer. Decorate the flip with whipped cream (20 ml), instant coffee and serve with a straw and a teaspoon.

Frappe “Rose”.

Beat rosehip juice (50 ml), lemon juice (25 ml), orange syrup (50 ml), ice cream (50 g), crushed ice (50 g) in a mixer.

Punch with rose hips and red wine.

Rose hips (50 g) pour water (700 ml) and leave for several hours, then heat and boil for 3-5 minutes, then strain. Add 80-100 g of sugar and 0.5 l of dry red wine to the filtrate, heat again, but not to a boil, and finally add the juice of 1 or 2 oranges. Serve hot.

Morse from rose hips and apples.

Peeled rose hips (3-4 tablespoons) and apples (4-5 pieces) cut into small pieces, pour cold water (1 l) and boil for several minutes. Then strain, add sugar or honey (3-4 tablespoons), a little lemon or orange peel, lemon juice or citric acid (to taste) to the broth.

A drink made from fresh rose hips.

Washed fruits (500 g) pour 2 liters of hot boiled water. When the water has cooled, add raisins (50 g) and syrup (500 g sugar per 500 ml water). Then cover the vessel and put it in a cold place. Drink a drink in 2-3 days.

Rosehip drink.

Rinse dried rose hips (1 tablespoon), slightly crush, brew with boiling water (200 ml) and boil for 8-10 minutes. Put the broth in a warm place, and then strain. Sugar can be added to a pleasantly sour drink.

A drink made from mountain ash and wild rose.

Dried fruits of mountain ash and wild rose (2 tablespoons) pour water (1 l), boil for 3-5 minutes, leave for 3 hours. Then strain and add sugar.

Rosehip drink with coltsfoot leaves.

Shredded dried rose hips (30 g) mixed with coltsfoot leaves (20 g), pour boiling water (500 ml), leave for 15-20 minutes. Strain the broth, pour the fruits with leaves again with boiling water (500 ml). Combine both decoctions, add honey (100 g).

Drink “Autumn Ray”.

Rosehip infusion (200 ml) mixed with cranberry (200 ml) and blackcurrant (200 ml) juices, add sugar to taste, bring to a boil and cool.

Milk with rose hips.

Rose hips (100 g) are cleaned from seeds, soaked in water for 2-3 hours, boiled for 10 minutes and rubbed through a sieve. Combine the mass with milk (800 ml), honey (90 g) and beat in a mixer.

Vitamin tea.

Rose hips (20 g), mountain ash (10 g) pour water and cook for 5 minutes, then put oregano herb (5 g), leave for 10 minutes.

Rosehip tea.

Dried rose hips (100 g) boil in water (1 l) for 5 minutes. Infuse for 40-60 minutes, strain, add lemon juice and sugar (to taste).