Name: Licorice naked
Popular names: licorice, licorice root, licorice root, licorice.
LIQORICE (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.)Perennial herbaceous plant of the legume family (Fabaceae), with a powerful root system. The many-headed rhizome gives one sheer, rooting several meters into the ground, simple or slightly branched tap root; at a depth of 30-40 cm underground from the root system, from 5 to 30 horizontal underground rhizomes-stolons 1-2 m long extend in different directions, bearing buds at the ends, which develop daughter plants, which also give above-ground stems, a vertical root and stolons, which in turn form a new plant from the final bud. Thus, licorice, propagating vegetatively, spreads over long distances and forms huge thickets. From each rhizome, several slightly branched above-ground stems up to 2 m high emerge. The leaves are alternate, pinnate, stipules are narrow, membranous. Flowers are collected in axillary racemes, corolla pale purple. The fruit is an elongated, slightly curved bare brown bean with 2-6 seeds. Seeds are kidney-shaped, shiny, greenish-gray or brownish. Blossoms in June – August, fruits ripen in August – September. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively. It forms large thickets on solonetsous steppes and on the banks of steppe rivers, on sands, as well as a malicious weed on the fields of the steppe and semi-desert zone. Distributed in Central Asia, along the lower reaches of the Don, Volga and the coast of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, in the North Caucasus, in Eastern Transcaucasia, in southeastern Europe. The medicinal use of licorice is mentioned in the oldest monument of Chinese medicine “The Book of Herbs”, written over 3000 years BC e. For thousands of years, Chinese doctors have classified licorice root as a first-class medicine and tried to include it in all medicinal mixtures, since it enhances the effect of other drugs, being a “conductor” for them and, in addition, is able to neutralize the effect of poisons that have entered the body. In Tibet, it was believed that licorice roots “contribute to longevity and a better use of the six senses.” The roots of the plant were widely used in Assyria, Sumer, from where they were borrowed by the doctors of Ancient Egypt.
For medicinal purposes, rhizomes with licorice roots are used, which are plowed with a plantation plow. The dug up plants are shaken off the ground, separated from the stems. Choose only healthy roots and rhizomes that have a yellow color at the break. Dry in the open air or in dryers at a temperature of 50-60 ° C until the roots begin to break. At the harvesting site, 25% of plants are left for vegetative propagation. Re-harvesting at this place is carried out only after 6-8 years. The shelf life of raw materials is 10 years. Dry raw materials are grayish-yellow on the outside, light yellow on the inside, fibrous, taste sickly sweet, odorless. Licorice root is harvested on a mass scale, which led to a reduction in its thickets, and therefore it is included in the Red Book of the RSFSR. Licorice roots exported in large quantities to the USA, England, Japan,
Licorice is known for its enveloping, expectorant and mild laxative effect. Expectorant properties are associated with the content of glycyrrhizin in its roots, which enhances the secretory function of the upper respiratory tract and increases the activity of the ciliated epithelium in the trachea and bronchi. The saponins contained in the plant irritate the mucous membranes of not only the respiratory tract, but also other organs, while increasing the secretion of their glands, so licorice is included in the composition of expectorants, diuretics and laxatives. Thanks to flavonoid compounds, licorice products have an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the bronchi. Licorice contains substances that are similar in structure and action to steroid hormones, which are produced by the adrenal cortex and have extremely strong anti-inflammatory properties.
Rhizomes with roots. In the form of a decoction, infusion, extract or powder – as an expectorant for lung diseases accompanied by cough; as an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent for hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum; as a laxative and regulating water-salt metabolism in diabetes mellitus; as part of therapeutic mixtures – as a diuretic and laxative. As an aid, galenic forms of licorice root are used for Addison’s disease, hypofunction of the adrenal cortex. In order to stimulate the adrenal cortex, it is used for systemic lupus, allergic dermatitis, pemphigus, eczema. In Korean folk medicine – for gastric and duodenal ulcers, acute and chronic bronchitis, exudative pleurisy, pneumonia,
Likviriton (Liquiritonum) – yellow-brown amorphous powder of bitter taste, odorless. The drug has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is recommended for the treatment of hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. It causes healing of destruction of the gastric mucosa. Take 1-2 tablets 3-4 times daily before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. If necessary, treatment should be continued or repeated. The drug can be used to prevent seasonal exacerbations of peptic ulcer, appointing it 2-3 times every day. It is well tolerated by patients and does not cause side effects. Produced in the form of tablets of 0.1 g in jars of 25 pcs. The shelf life of the product is 3 years, tablets 2 years. Flacarbine (Flacarbinum) is a combined product, consisting of the flavonoids quercetin and licuraside, sodium carboxymethylcellulose and pectin. The drug has an antispasmodic, capillary-strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the healing of gastric and duodenal ulcers, reduces the acidity of gastric juice and normalizes bowel function, eliminates constipation. Flacarbine has low toxicity and, unlike vicalin, has a “softer” effect on the body. Take with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum 1/2 teaspoon 3 times every day before meals. The drug should be washed down with warm water (1/3-1/2 cup). The treatment period is traditionally 3-4 weeks. If necessary, the course of treatment should be continued or repeated. The drug is stored in a dry, dark place. The shelf life of the product is 3 years. Glyciram (Glycyrramum) is an ammonium salt of glycyrrhizic acid isolated from licorice roots. It is a creamy powder with a very sweet taste. The drug reduces vascular permeability, has an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates the functional activity of the adrenal cortex, and has anti-allergic properties. There are no side effects when taking glycyram. It is taken for bronchial asthma (it is especially indicated for children), eczema, allergic dermatitis, insufficient function of the adrenal cortex. Assign 0.05 g 2-3 times every day 30 minutes before meals for 3-6 weeks (in severe forms of the disease, the dose can be increased to 0.4-0.6 g per day, and the course of treatment extended to 12 weeks). The drug is available in tablets of 0.05 g. For eczema, allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis successfully used 2% glyceram emulsion. Bismuloxan (Bismuloxan) is a French product. 1 cylinder-pack contains 800 mg of bismuth carbonate, 550 mg of magnesia, 270 mg of calcium carbonate, 800 mg of methylpolysiloxane, 270 mg of licorice powder, 890 mg of mannitol. The drug has astringent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect, stimulates bile secretion. Indications for use are: esophagitis, burns of the esophagus, gastritis, stomach ulcers, gastroenteritis, colitis and enterocolitis, intestinal cramps, diarrhea. The contents of 1 cylinder-package are taken before meals 3 times every day or during abdominal pain. Produced in the form of cylinder-packs containing 5 g of granular mass. Transpulmin (Transpulmin) – a product made in Germany. 10 ml of the product contains 20 mg of hydrochloric acid pipazetate (selvigon), 3 mg menthol oil, 3 mg anise oil, 0.5 mg eucalyptus oil, 100 mg licorice extract, 4 mg isotypendyl hydrochloride (andanthol), 50 mg guanfenesin, 10 mg polyoxyethylene hexadecyl ether, 6.6 g glucose. The drug is an expectorant, helps to thin the secretion, has an antispasmodic and anti-allergic effect, soothes the cough and softens the irritation of the mucous membrane when coughing. Increases ventilation and air circulation in the lungs, making breathing free. It is used for all types of cough in acute and chronic catarrhal inflammation and allergic diseases of the respiratory tract (bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis). Adults are prescribed 2 teaspoons of the product 3-4 times every day; children over 3 years old – 1 teaspoon 3-4 times every day; children from 1 year to 3 years – 1/2 teaspoon 3-4 times every day. The drug can change the reaction, so patients should be especially careful on the roadway. Alcohol can enhance this effect. The product should not be used by pregnant women. Produced in vials of 60 and 125 mg. Thick licorice root extract, thick licorice root extract (Extractum Glycyrrhizae spissum). Extracted from finely cut licorice root with 0.25% ammonia solution. It is a thick mass of brown color with a peculiar smell and a sugary-sweet taste. When shaken with water, it forms a colloidal, highly foaming solution. Dry licorice root extract, dry licorice root extract (Extractum Glycyrrhizae siccum). Prepared by extracting from the licorice root with a solution of ammonia. It is a dry, fine, brownish-yellow powder with a peculiar smell and a sugary-sweet taste. When shaken with water, it forms a colloidal, highly foaming solution. Contains at least 25% glycyrrhizic acid. Licorice root syrup (Sirupus Glycyrrhizae): 4 g of licorice root extract is mixed with 86 g of sugar syrup and 10 g of alcohol is added to the mixture. It turns out a liquid of yellow-brown color, a peculiar smell and taste. The syrup is not prescribed in conjunction with acidic fluids. It is used as an expectorant, emollient and anti-inflammatory agent. Complex powder of licorice root (Pulvis Glycyrrhizae compositum). Contains a complex of substances: 20 parts of licorice root powder, 20 parts of senna leaf powder, 10 parts of dill fruit powder, 10 parts of purified sulfur and 40 parts of powdered sugar. It is a powder of greenish-yellow and greenish-brown color with the smell of dill and an unpleasant bitter-salty taste. Breast Elixir (Elixir pectorales, or Elixir cum extracto Glycyrrhizae). The composition of the product includes: extract of licorice root 60 parts, anise oil 1 part, alcohol 49 parts, ammonia solution 10 parts, water 180 parts. It is a transparent, brown color, sweetish liquid with the smell of ammonia and anise oil. Used as an expectorant at a dose of 20-40 drops per dose. Dosage for children – as many drops as a child’s age. water up to 200 ml. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times every day. CONTRAINDICATIONS AND POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS:
Roots and rhizomes in the food industry – extracts, syrups, as a sugar substitute and foaming agent in soft drinks (licorice extract is one of the components of Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola), beer, kvass, tonic drinks, suitable for making coffee, cocoa, marinades, compotes, jelly, flour and aerated products, sweets, halva. They are used as a flavoring additive – in the processing of fish and as an additive to long leaf and green tea. In Kyrgyzstan, it is a surrogate for tea. In Japan – as a dietary antioxidant supplement; in Japan and Egypt – among component additives with bactericidal and fungicidal properties to foodstuff and drinks. In the tobacco industry – to add flavor and flavor to chewing, smoking and snuff tobacco; in Japan – in the production of non-nicotine surrogate cigarettes. Licorice powder is used in pharmaceutical practice as the basis of pills and as a means of improving the taste and smell of medicines. In technology – in the production of mixtures for fire extinguishers; for imparting viscosity to glue, an additive to a cement mortar to improve its properties, in electrolysis baths, for metal etching in photomicrographic work, during exploratory drilling of oil and gas wells. Suitable for the manufacture of watercolors, inks, ink, shoe polish, for tanning leather, dyeing wool and silk by mordant in all sorts of tones, as bleaching when imitating color tones. Feed additive – to increase the meat and dairy productivity of livestock. Extract – for feeding bees in the free period. Extract production wastes are suitable for the manufacture of cardboard, thermal insulation boards, paper pulp, as fertilizers: ash – for processing into potash. The aerial part is suitable for dyeing wool and silk in all sorts of colors by mordant. The stems are used for the manufacture of rope products, coarse yarn, flooring materials for upholstered furniture; fibers – to obtain brushes. Leaves are a substitute for tea. Silk is dyed red. The seeds are part of the surrogate coffee. Honey plant. Feed for all farm animals. Decorative. Sand fixer.
Licorice is propagated by rhizomes 15-30 cm long with 2-3 buds. They are planted in early spring at a distance of 25-30 cm with a row spacing of 50-80 cm. The cuttings are installed vertically, deepening into the soil so that their tops protrude 2-3 cm above the surface. Shoots are found a month from the date of planting. In the first year in autumn, dry stems are cut off, and the plants are fed, introducing 3-4 kg of rotted manure or 40-50 g of nitrophoska per 1 m 2 , and digging up the soil. In the spring, ammophos is given at the rate of 20-30 g per 1 m 2. When cultivating, the productivity of dry underground organs is up to 25 t / ha, dry above-ground mass – up to 70 c / ha.