Name: Chamomile
Popular names: peeled chamomile, camila, blush, morgun, mother grass.
PHARMACY CHAMOMILE (Matricaria chamomilla L.)An annual fragrant plant of the Compositae family, up to 60 cm in height. Taproot, thin, branched. Stem erect or ascending, thin, branched. The leaves are alternate, sessile, twice or thrice pinnately dissected into thin, narrow filiform segments. Flower baskets are medium-sized, sit on the tops of the stem and branches on long peduncles. Marginal flowers pistillate, reed, white, inner golden yellow, bisexual, funnel-shaped tubular. The receptacle is oblong-conical, hollow inside, glabrous, elongating towards the end of flowering. The fruit is a curved, narrowed at the base achene with 3 ribs, brownish-green in color. All organs of the plant have a strong aromatic odor. Blossoms in May – September, fruit ripening begins in July. Propagated by seeds. Weight of 1000 seeds – 0.03-0.07 g, in selected polyploid varieties – 0.075-0.08 g. Distributed in the south and in the middle zone of the European part of the CIS, in the Caucasus, in Central Asia and in the southern regions of Siberia. It grows along the edges of coniferous, mixed and broad-leaved forests, along clearings and roads, in clearings, young fallows, in settlements, crops and gardens. As a weed, it can appear in all sorts of places, but traditionally disappears after 1-2 years, unable to compete with other plant species. In the wild, it is most often found in Ukraine, in Moldova, the Krasnodar Territory and the Rostov Region of Russia. Pharmaceutical chamomile as a medicine was known even to the doctors of Ancient Greece and Rome, it was no less famous among the doctors of the Middle Ages. Avicenna believed: “Chamomile is the most useful medicine for exhaustion,
Medicinal raw materials are inflorescences of chamomile (Flores Chamomillae). Inflorescences are harvested at the beginning of flowering, when white reed flowers in baskets are located horizontally (outstretched). With later preparations, the baskets crumble during drying, and the raw material loses its presentation. The collection is carried out in dry weather, since the raw materials collected after rain, with dew or fog, dry poorly and darken when dried. The collected raw materials are dried in the open air, spread out in a layer up to 5 cm. When drying, it is not recommended to turn the baskets over to avoid shedding flowers. In good weather, the raw material dries out in 5-7 days. Can be dried in attics, under sheds, also in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 40°C. The shelf life of raw materials is 1 year. The smell of raw materials is strong, fragrant, the taste is spicy, bitter.
Chamomile preparations have antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, sedative and some analgesic effects. When taken, chamomile infusion increases the secretion of the digestive glands, has a choleretic effect, reduces fermentation processes, and relieves intestinal spasms. The mechanism of antispasmodic action is explained by the m-anticholinergic properties of plant glycosides. Chamomile essential oil somewhat enhances and deepens breathing, speeds up the heart rate, dilates the vessels of the brain, and also has disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of chamazulene in it. Chamomile preparations accelerate the processes of regeneration of the epithelium in experimental ulcers and delay the development of experimental inflammation.
flowers. Infusion (inside) – for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the liver and biliary tract, flatulence, stomach cramps; in the form of enemas – with colitis and hemorrhoids; in the form of rinses – with inflammation of the gums, mucous membranes, tonsillitis; in the form of lotions – for eczema, ulcers, abscesses, x-ray burns; in the form of poultices – for rheumatism, gout, arthritis, bruises. Powder in folk medicine – for migraines; juice (inside) – in the treatment of gastritis, gastric ulcer, spasms and pain in the stomach and intestines, flatulence, diarrhea, diseases of the liver, gall bladder and bladder, renal colic. It is recommended for increased acidity of gastric juice. Taken with honey and cream at night, it induces sound sleep. Outwardly in the form of rinses – with angina, for washing eyes, wounds, with sweating of the limbs.
A decoction of chamomile flowers (Decoctum florum Chamomillae): 10 g (4 tablespoons) of raw materials are placed in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml of hot boiled water, cover with a lid and heat in a boiling water bath for 30 minutes, cool at room temperature for 10 minutes, filter , the remaining raw material is squeezed out. The volume of the resulting broth is adjusted with boiled water to 200 ml. The prepared broth is stored in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Take 1/3-1/2 cup 2-3 times every day after meals as an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diaphoretic for intestinal cramps, flatulence, diarrhea. Outwardly – for rinsing, lotions, enemas. Romazulon (Romasulon) – a liquid, which includes chamomile extract (96 ml) and chamomile essential oil (containing 6% azulene) – 0.3 ml. Tween-80 – 4 g was added as an emulsifier. The drug has an anti-inflammatory and deodorizing effect. It is used for rinsing, washing, compresses for inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (gingivitis, stomatitis), external ear, for vaginitis, urethritis, cystitis, inflammatory dermatosis (eczema, neurodermatitis, skin itching of the anus and perianal region), trophic ulcers. Inside the product is used for gastritis, colitis and other diseases accompanied by flatulence. With spastic colitis, it is also prescribed in the form of enemas. For external use and for enemas, dilute 1.5 tablespoons of the product in 1 liter of water. Take 1/2 teaspoon of the product diluted in 1 glass of hot water. Produced in bottles of 100 ml. The drug is produced in Romania.♦ Infusion of chamomile flowers: 15 g of raw materials are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, insisted, then filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times every day. ♦ Chamomile flower powder is taken 0.2 g 2-3 hours after eating. ♦ Chamomile juice is obtained in July – August. Take 1 tablespoon of juice and honey 3 times every day before meals. CONTRAINDICATIONS AND POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: Large doses of chamomile essential oil can cause headache and general weakness.
Essential oil is used in the production of liqueurs, in perfumery for the production of perfumes, colognes, soaps, creams. It is used as a solvent for painting porcelain products. Flowers can dye wool yellow. It is widely used in cosmetics. In veterinary practice, chamomile infusion is used as an antispasmodic for enteralgia and gastroenteritis. It is cultivated on large areas in Ukraine, Belarus, Western Siberia.
Chamomile prefers well-fertilized light and medium loamy soils. On poor soils, it gives a low yield and quickly finishes flowering. Steam is the best precursor. Usually, chamomile is cultivated in one area for 2-3 years in a row, since its seeds, crumbling, give dense self-sowing. When preparing the site, the soil is dug up to a depth of 22-25 cm and 4 kg of manure or manure-peat compost is applied per 1 m 2. With a lack of organic fertilizers, 6 g of phosphorus and potassium and 3-4 g of nitrogen are added to the same area. The last time the soil is cultivated 3-5 days before sowing and be sure to roll. Seeds are sown before winter to a depth of 0.5 cm or in early spring – 1-1.5 cm with a row spacing of 45-60 cm. Seeds germinate at temperatures within 6°C. Winter crops give the highest yield. The site is loosened and weeded 2-3 times per season. For 4-5 m 2sowing chamomile needs 1 g of its seeds. For the convenience of sowing, the seeds are mixed with dry fine sand in a ratio of 1:50 and evenly scattered. After sowing, in order to prevent the soil from drying out, it should be mulched with dry soil or humus (2-3 mm layer) and covered with thick paper, roofing paper or plastic wrap. With the advent of seedlings, the covers are removed, leaving only a film under which the chamomile takes root faster and develops a powerful outlet. From this moment on, the film can be removed, as it will be necessary to remove it. Seed germination is completely lost after 5-6 years.