Rosemary officinalis

Name: Rosemary officinalis



ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) Medicinal raw materials for rosemary are the apical annual shoots and leaves. During flowering, leafy twigs are collected, and later the leaves are removed. Rosemary has a sweet, slightly camphoric, pine-like aroma and a spicy, bitter-spicy taste.


Rosemary has anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. It has a beneficial effect on low blood pressure, general emaciation and sexual weakness.


Leaves. In folk medicine, the infusion is used: in the form of rinses – with inflammation of the oral cavity; in the form of compresses – with boils and hard-to-heal wounds; in the form of douching – with whites; in the form of baths – with rheumatism and sciatica. A decoction as an abortifacient and menstrual inducing remedy. Smoking products are prepared from the leaves, which are used for asthma. Leaves, annual shoots. In folk medicine – with neuroses in the menopause (as a sedative), headaches, colds, gastrointestinal diseases; as a tonic, choleretic and diuretic; in a mixture with lavender – with hypertension as a result of cerebral hemorrhage, with gastric colic; externally – with neuritis, rheumatism, thrombophlebitis, whites, mumps. The plant is also used in dietary nutrition for diabetes, diseases of the liver, gallbladder, myocardial infarction. In combination with honey – when coughing.


Marciderm (Marciderm) – a product of production of France. 250 ml of an aqueous solution of the product contains 750 mg of acetic acid, 250 mg of orthohydroxyquinoline sulfate, 500 mg of salicylic acid, 50 g of sodium loryl sulfate, 250 mg of sodium propionate, 17.5 g of tartaric acid, 600 mg of boric acid, 125 mg of rosemary essence and lavender, 75 g of a mixture of sulfated fatty alcohols, tragacanth plant slime and propylene glycol. The drug has an antimycotic, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and healing effect. Indications for use: all kinds of eczema (including professional ones), atopic dermatitis, rubella, intertrigo, acne, seborrhea, itching of the anus and female genital organs, pyoderma, epidermophytosis, skin dyshidrosis, bacterial and fungal skin infections, furunculosis, folliculitis, frostbite, tropical lichen in countries with a hot climate, suppurating dermatitis in hot countries, burns, including sunburn. Application: the initial course of treatment is carried out with a weak solution (1:20) of marciderm in water, gradually reducing its dilution (1:10; 1:5; 1:3; 1:2) until a therapeutic effect is achieved. The damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is washed, moistened or wet bandages are applied to it. Procedures are carried out several times every day. Produced in bottles of 250 ml of solution.♦ Infusion of rosemary leaves: 2 teaspoons of crushed raw materials pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist, then filter. The resulting dose of infusion is drunk in equal portions throughout the day. 20) marciderma in water, gradually reducing its dilution (1:10; 1:5; 1:3; 1:2) until a therapeutic effect is achieved. The damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is washed, moistened or wet bandages are applied to it. Procedures are carried out several times every day. Produced in bottles of 250 ml of solution.♦ Infusion of rosemary leaves: 2 teaspoons of crushed raw materials pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist, then filter. The resulting dose of infusion is drunk in equal portions throughout the day. 20) marciderma in water, gradually reducing its dilution (1:10; 1:5; 1:3; 1:2) until a therapeutic effect is achieved. The damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is washed, moistened or wet bandages are applied to it. Procedures are carried out several times every day. Produced in bottles of 250 ml of solution.♦ Infusion of rosemary leaves: 2 teaspoons of crushed raw materials pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist, then filter. The resulting dose of infusion is drunk in equal portions throughout the day. 2 teaspoons of crushed raw materials are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, insisted, then filtered. The resulting dose of infusion is drunk in equal portions throughout the day. 2 teaspoons of crushed raw materials are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, insisted, then filtered. The resulting dose of infusion is drunk in equal portions throughout the day.


In small doses, mixed with imported spices, rosemary is used in the fishing and canning industries. Abroad, it is introduced into the composition of various spicy compositions. A small amount is added to fruit salads, it goes well with dishes of beans, peas, eggplant, white, red and cauliflower. But mostly it is put in hot meat and poultry dishes. A small amount of dried leaves are mixed with parsley and rubbed with butter. The resulting paste is placed in small portions inside the carcass of chicken, turkey, duck, goose. Rosemary gives a unique aroma to satsivi, tomato and dogwood sauces. The plant is added to tea. The essential oil is used in the perfume industry, in the alcoholic beverage industry, and sometimes in the baking and confectionery industries. Decorative. The plant is used for fixing and landscaping slopes. Cultivated as an essential oil and aromatic plant, mainly in the Crimea. How industrial culture is cultivated in the Alushta essential oil state farm-factory.


Rosemary prefers dry calcareous, permeable soils with good aeration. It also grows on dry sandy and gravelly soils. Does not tolerate excessive moisture. Resistant to diseases and pests. The plant is most often propagated by cuttings of annual shoots. The best period for their preparation is September – October. Cuttings 8-10 cm long with 3-4 internodes are immediately planted in cold greenhouses. Rooting rate is 60-80%. With a feeding area of ​​​​4 × 5 cm and good care, standard seedlings are grown throughout the year. Plots are allocated for rosemary on the southern slopes. Soil preparation consists in maintaining it in a loose and weed-free state, applying mineral and organic fertilizers, and raising the plantation (60-70 cm). Plants are planted in autumn or early spring with a feeding area of ​​1.5 × 1 m. Rosemary is responsive to fertilizers, therefore, starting from the second year after the establishment of the plantation, the plants are annually fed with superphosphate – 400 kg/ha and ammonium sulfate – 300-400 kg/ha. Phosphorus fertilizers are applied in the fall, nitrogen fertilizers – in the spring in the zone of occurrence of the active root system. The crop is harvested from the 3-4th year after planting. During this period, plants contain the maximum amount of essential oil. The yield is 4-5 t/ha.