Stonecrop large

Common name: hare cabbage.

Sedum maximum (L.) Hoffm.]Perennial succulent herbaceous plant of the Crassulaceae family, up to 80 cm high. The rhizome is short, with thickened roots. Stems densely leafy, thick, succulent, straight or arcuate at the base, branching only in the inflorescence, green or dark purple. The leaves are flat, rounded or oval, expanding towards the base, amplexicaul, glabrous, with a bluish bloom, fleshy, opposite, from dark green to dark purple, up to 13 cm long. The inflorescence is wide, corymbose-paniculate, dense, 5-10 cm in diameter. The flowers are small, located on short pedicels. Corolla razdelnopetalny, petals whitish-pink, white or greenish-white, ovate, acute. The fruit is a combined five-leaf, greenish, straight, with a spout up to 5 mm in length. Seeds are brown, oblong-ovate, within 0.5 mm in length. The smell is peculiar, the taste of fresh leaves is sour. It blooms from late July to October, flowering time is 2-3 months. The fruits ripen in September – October. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively (by green cuttings, division of rhizomes). Distributed throughout Ukraine, in Russia, Moldova, Lithuania, almost throughout the Caucasus. As an alien plant, it was noted in Transbaikalia. It grows on the edges and glades of broad-leaved and mixed forests, among bushes, on the sunny slopes of ravines and gullies, mainly on sandy and stony soils. Continuous thickets traditionally do not form. almost throughout the Caucasus. As an alien plant, it was noted in Transbaikalia. It grows on the edges and glades of broad-leaved and mixed forests, among bushes, on the sunny slopes of ravines and gullies, mainly on sandy and stony soils. Continuous thickets traditionally do not form. almost throughout the Caucasus. As an alien plant, it was noted in Transbaikalia. It grows on the edges and glades of broad-leaved and mixed forests, among bushes, on the sunny slopes of ravines and gullies, mainly on sandy and stony soils. Continuous thickets traditionally do not form.


For medicinal purposes, freshly harvested stonecrop grass is mainly used, which is harvested during the flowering period of plants. Grass is harvested only in dry weather (preferably in the morning, after the evaporation of dew), cutting it with knives, sickles or scissors. Dry in the air, under a canopy, in attics, in well-ventilated areas. Uprooting a large stonecrop is prohibited. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years. The smell of raw materials is weak, peculiar. The roots are dug up in September – October, cut into pieces and dried in the air. The shelf life of the roots is 3 years. Other types of stonecrops are close to the stonecrop, which is high in the content of biologically active substances: ordinary (Sedum telephium L.), Caucasian (Sedum caucasicum Grossh.) and purple [Sedum purpurcum (L.) Schult.].


The plant has hemostatic and wound-healing properties (plant juice is especially effective in this regard). Stonecrop is a biogenic stimulant, enhances metabolic processes in tissues and their regeneration, has a general tonic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used for sluggish and poorly healing wounds, as a result of severe injuries and large blood loss, as well as for chronic inflammation of the sinuses. A good result is observed in the treatment of periodontal disease.


Roots, leaves. In folk medicine, infusion (externally) – for washing wounds, ulcers, burns, frostbite, cuts; used for rinsing the mouth and throat with tonsillitis, stomatitis; in the form of compresses – for pain in the joints, muscles, bones, rheumatism, gout; applied to warts, calluses. Aerial part. It is used as a raw material for the production of the medicinal product “Biosed”. “Biosed” has a biostimulating, general tonic and anti-inflammatory effect: it enhances the processes of metabolism and regeneration, in ophthalmology – with burns and corneal opacities, in dentistry – with periodontal disease, in surgery – with fractures, trophic ulcers, varicose veins, in therapy – with ulcerative diseases of the stomach and duodenum. The drug enhances the biosynthesis of blood proteins, has detoxifying properties, normalizes the secretory function of the stomach, is recommended for anemia, metabolic disorders, hypertension, rheumatism, impaired blood vessel permeability, improves the condition in diseases of the liver and biliary tract (in pediatric practice), bronchial asthma and asthmatic bronchitis. Raw grass is used in folk medicine of Belarus or water decoction – as a diuretic; infusion of herbs stimulates the work of the heart, increases the tone and amplitude of its contractions; crushed fresh leaves are applied to cuts, all kinds of wounds, hemorrhoidal bumps. Juice – in chronic ischemic heart disease with frequent bouts of pain, pulmonary and heart failure, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder,


Biosedum (Biosedum) – a sterilized aqueous extract from canned fresh stonecrop herb. Transparent liquid of light yellow color with a slight peculiar smell. Enter under the skin or intramuscularly every day for adults, 1-2 ml (up to 3-4 ml) per day; children under 5 years old – 0.2-0.3 ml each, over 5 years old – 0.5-1 ml each. The course of treatment consists of 20-30 (up to 45) injections. If necessary, repeat courses are carried out after a break of 2-4 months. ). In the form of eye drops, 1-2 drops are administered 4-6 times every day. The drug can also be prescribed for electrophoresis for 3-5-7 minutes every day (up to 20 sessions). In dental practice, it is used in the form of applications, injections into gum tissue and electrophoresis. When using the product, hyperemia and urticarial rash may occur at the injection site. These phenomena disappear when the product is canceled. Biosed is CONTRAINDICATED in patients with achilia and malignant neoplasms. Produced in ampoules of 1 ml in a pack of 10 ampoules. Infusion of sedum leaves: 1 tablespoon of fresh raw materials is poured into 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for 5 hours, then filtered. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times every day.♦ Infusion of sedum leaves: 4 tablespoons of raw materials pour 600 ml of boiling water, leave for 4 hours, then filter. Used for washing purulent cuts and wounds. ♦ Decoction of sedum leaves: 20 g of raw material is poured into 200 ml of water, boiled for 10 minutes, then filtered. Take 25-30 ml 3 times every day for kidney disease. ♦ Juice from the leaves of stonecrop: the raw materials are well washed, scalded with boiling water, passed through a meat grinder and squeezed. Ready juice is diluted with water in the ratio 1:1 and boiled for 1-3 minutes. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times daily with meals. When used externally, wipes are moistened with it and applied to the affected areas of the skin. CONTRAINDICATIONS AND POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: plant juice cannot be used for cancer and in the absence of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice.


Shoots and leaves are eaten for salads, fresh, boiled and pickled. The drug “Biosed SP” (in the form of dry juice) – in veterinary medicine and animal husbandry for the purpose of treatment, prevention and increasing the productivity of animals and birds. Forage for goats, sheep, spotted deer. Honey plant. Decorative. Looks good in groups on lawns and in mixborders.


Stonecrop large and stonecrop purple are propagated as ornamental plants, mainly vegetatively (by dividing bushes and cuttings). Their seeds germinate in about 10-15 days after sowing, and it takes 15-20 days for cuttings to root. The most successful results were obtained during the spring-summer sowing of seeds in greenhouses, but cuttings can be planted throughout the growing season. When propagated by seeds, seedlings are very small. When one or two true leaves appear, they dive into boxes or onto a garden bed. Young plants bloom in the 2-3rd year. They develop well on any cultivated soil, with the introduction of a small amount (5-10 kg per 1 m 2) humus or compost soil. They can grow without a transplant for 4-5 years. Care consists mainly in weeding and removing faded inflorescences.


Seasoning from stonecrop leaves.

Dried leaves are crushed into powder. Use as a vitamin seasoning for meat, fish dishes, soups, borscht (for 1 serving – 10-15 g of powder).

Stonecrop salad.

1. Rinse young stonecrop leaves (150-200 g) thoroughly with cold water, blanch for 2 minutes. Then cut with a knife, add chopped green onions (25 g), hard-boiled egg, salt and season with sour cream (mayonnaise, vegetable oil) (25 g).2. Tomatoes (150 g), cucumbers (100 g), green onions (25 g), stonecrop leaves (50 g) cut, salt, mix, season with sour cream (mayonnaise, sunflower oil) (25 g). Sprinkle with dill and parsley.

Mushroom salad with stonecrop.

Boil mushrooms (100-150 g) until cooked (pre-soak salted mushrooms), chop, add crushed stonecrop leaves (100 g), green onions (25 g), hard-boiled egg. Season with sour cream or mayonnaise (50 g). Sprinkle with dill and parsley.

Shchi with stonecrop.

In salted broth or water (500 ml), boil potatoes (25 g), carrots (25 g), onions (25 g), parsley roots (15 g) (carrots and onions can be sautéed beforehand). 3 minutes before readiness, add crushed leaves of stonecrop (200 g), sorrel (100 g). Before serving, put slices of hard-boiled eggs, sour cream (25 g), sprinkle with dill and parsley on a plate.

Potato soup with stonecrop and tomatoes.

Boil potatoes (100 g) and parsley roots (15 g) in salted meat broth or water (500 ml). Shredded carrots (100 g) and onions (50 g) fry in butter (50 g) and fresh tomato juice (50 g). Put chopped stonecrop leaves (100 g), fried vegetables, sliced ​​red tomatoes (250 g) into the broth and bring to a boil. Season with whipped yolk with sour cream (50 g). Sprinkle with dill and parsley.

Stonecrop filling.

Blanch young stonecrop leaves (500 g) for 1-2 minutes, finely chop, add chopped carrots (200 g), sautéed in vegetable oil (50 g), onions (150 g), hard-boiled egg, salt, mix. Use for fillings in meat cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, pies, pies.

Garnish with stonecrop.

Add chopped stonecrop leaves to any vegetable side dish, mix. Use as a side dish for second courses.

Potato pies with stonecrop.

Introduce 2 eggs into mashed potatoes (400 g), stir. Divide the mass into cakes, put stonecrop filling (200 g) on ​​each, form pies, bread them in flour (25 g), fry in vegetable oil (100 g). For the filling, stonecrop leaves can be mixed with carrots, cabbage, peas, etc. Serve the pies hot with butter or sour cream.

Carrot fritters with stonecrop.

Grind peeled carrots (500 g) on ​​a fine grater, add crushed stonecrop leaves (150 g), eggs (3 pcs.), salt, flour (200 g), mix thoroughly. Fry pancakes in sunflower oil (150-200 g). Serve with sour cream or butter.

Pickled stonecrop.

Grind stonecrop leaves (1 kg), lay tightly, sprinkle with salt (50 g), into an enamel bowl, put under pressure. Store in a cool dry place. Use for side dishes, soups, borscht. 

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