
Parts Used: Fresh garlic bulbs (cloves).

Pharmacy name: garlic bulbs – ANNsativi bulbus (formerly: Bulbus Allii sativi).

Botanical description. In the spring, a leafy erect peduncle grows from the cloves, sometimes reaching a height of 1 m. The leaves are linear, centimeter wide, pointed, entire. Pinkish flowers are collected in an umbrella. Brood bulbs sit on long stalks among the flowers. The entire inflorescence is surrounded by a wrapper that falls off when the flowers open. An almost spherical bulb develops in the soil within 4 cm in diameter. On the bottom, from which the roots depart, the main bulb of an ovoid shape sits, and curved adnexal (teeth) are placed within it. All together they are surrounded by white dry leathery basal scaly leaves, and each clove, in addition, is dressed in a separate shell. Blooms in July-August. Garlic has long been bred in vegetable gardens. Collection and preparation.The plant needs heavy, well-fertilized, moderately moist soil. In March-April, the cloves are planted on the beds, harvested in the fall (we are talking about spring garlic, while winter garlic is planted in the fall, before frosts. – Perev.). When the leaves are dry, the garlic heads with leaves are tied into bundles and hung to dry.

Active ingredients: allicin with antibacterial properties (it appears from alliin under the influence of one of the enzymes), vitamins A, B1, nicotinic acid and vitamin C. In addition, hormones that act like female and male sex hormones, enzymes, choline.

Healing action and application.Garlic is indicated in the processes of fermentation in the intestines and associated flatulence, which is accompanied by spastic pains. The active principle that helps with these conditions is the glycoside allicin with its antibacterial properties. In fresh garlic, however, there is only inactive alliin, from which the bactericidal allicin is first released under the action of the enzyme. And from the latter, already under the action of oxygen, a substance is obtained that determines the characteristic garlic smell – diallyl disulfide. But fermentative dyspepsia is by no means the only area of ​​​​application of garlic, since it also has carminative properties, and also contributes to the separation of bile. In addition, garlic has a vasodilating and calming effect. First of all, the vessels of the legs, but also the vessels of the retina and brain, expanding, better nourish the organs and prevent too rapid aging. Garlic lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, and slows down the aggregation of platelets and, consequently, the sedimentation of red blood cells. Therefore, garlic should be considered not as a specific medicine against any particular disease, but as a general tonic with a decrease in work probability, useful for the prevention of aging of the vascular system (atherosclerosis), with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, with sleep disorders and increased blood pressure. How to use garlic? Here opinions differ. Some believe that only fresh garlic or juice from it will bring success, others refuse such use because of its pungent smell, which is unpleasant for others. Professor Petkov, who dealt specifically with garlic, found that that the effectiveness of the odorless garlic dragee is not inferior to fresh. So you can be treated with garlic without irritating anyone with a smell. When using dragees or other prepared products, the prescribed dosage must be observed. Well, for those who can afford to eat fresh garlic, it is enough to eat an average clove 2-3 times every day.

Use in homeopathy. The homeopathic remedy Allium sativum is used in dilution D1-D6 for chronic bronchitis, digestive disorders, rheumatism, muscle and joint pain. Garlic treatment in homeopathic doses is also recommended as a prevention of premature aging. In this case, it is necessary to take 10 drops of the drug (D6) for a long time in the morning and in the evening, then until old age you will maintain good health and performance. Overweight people with an appetite who eat too much (primarily meat) often suffer from shortness of breath or asthma. At the slightest deviation in nutrition, they are tormented by flatulence and diarrhea. They are helped by breeding D1 Allium sativum: 3 times every day, 10 drops.

Use as a condiment.Due to its good action on the stomach and intestines, garlic is an excellent seasoning, although many people refuse it because of the smell. Nevertheless, we advise cooks and housewives to add garlic to food little by little, but regularly. Dishes from this will not only be better absorbed, but will also acquire an exquisite taste. Not all people react the same way to garlic. One can eat a lot – and as a result of this he does not smell, the other needs a very small amount. Which “type” you belong to can only be established experimentally. A delicacy for a beginner will already be if the bread for toast is lightly rubbed with half a garlic clove and put a piece of sausage or cheese on top. It is good to add garlic to salads. To begin with, you can rub the walls and bottom of the bowl with half a clove, put the salad in it and carefully try, Should I add a little more garlic? If you have exceeded the known limits of your sensitivity, please note that you should not appear in public for 20 hours. Soups, vegetables, sauces of all kinds, and especially meat and fish, can be seasoned with garlic – both healthy and tasty. Try it!

  • Garlic soup is especially tasty: cut 5-6 large cloves of garlic into very thin slices and fry in olive oil until transparent (but not brown). Pour 3/4 l of strong meat broth and boil. Then remove the saucepan from the heat, pour two beaten egg whites into the soup with a whisk. Beat the yolks separately with two tablespoons of apple or wine vinegar and pour them into the soup. Shortly before serving, add pepper, salt and fresh basil or dill, thyme or kupyr. Serve the toasted black bread toast with the soup.

Application in folk medicine. Garlic has been used as a medicinal plant for 5000 years. Herodotus reports that at the construction of the pyramid of Cheops at Giza, workers received garlic, onions and radishes to maintain health and work efficiency. It is known that the Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans and Germans valued garlic both as a spice and as a medicine. In folk medicine, it is mainly used for diseases of the respiratory tract. For bronchitis and whooping cough, they give fresh garlic juice, crushed garlic in milk with honey, or sweet garlic juice prepared according to old recipes.

  • Garlic juice: 5 cloves of garlic crushed or finely chopped and mixed with S teaspoons of sugar. Then, adding water, bring to a boil, let it brew for 5 minutes and strain through a linen cloth. The liquid is drunk on a spoon throughout the day (it helps a lot with coughing). Garlic folk medicine treats diseases of the digestive system in the broadest sense. Most often, it is simply given to eat: 5-10 cloves every day. It should be noted, however, that the use of garlic in traditional medicine is on the wane due to the smell that irritates many. People are switching to odorless galenic products (there is a large selection of dragees and capsules).

Garlic has no side effects . Only when taking too large a dose, irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines is likely. Its main drawback is the pervasive smell.