Asteraceae – Asteraceae (Compositae).
Common names: Achilles, goose tongues, cricket grass, Jewish grass, tile grass, sheep tongue.
Parts Used: Whole flowering plant (without roots). Pharmaceutical raw materials should not contain solid stems. In some regions, only inflorescences are used.
Pharmacy name: yarrow herb – Millefolii herba (formerly: Herba Millefolii), yarrow flowers – Millefolii flos (formerly: Flores millefolii).
Botanical description. This is a perennial plant with a creeping rhizome, from which a rosette of leaves first grows, and then a flowering shoot with a cylindrical stem, naked or shortly pubescent closer to the top. Stem height 20-45 (up to 60) cm. Leaves are double or triple pinnately dissected. Small baskets of flowers are collected in terminal corymbose inflorescences. The flowers of the central part of the basket are white to yellowish, the reed flowers are white, pink, and sometimes even bright red. Blooms from June to October (November). It grows throughout Europe in meadows, roadsides and fields. Yarrow is very unpretentious, resistant to cold and heat and is not demanding on soils. It only avoids very wet soils.
Collection and preparation. From June to September, the entire flowering plant is cut off at the root, then the grass is dried, tied in bunches and hung in the shade. Very thick and lignified stems are rejected. In some places (for example, in Switzerland) only inflorescences are used.
Active ingredients: bitterness, essential oil, tannins, flavonoids and all kinds of mineral salts (especially potassium).
Healing action and application. The presence of essential oil and bitterness makes it possible to classify yarrow as an aromatic bitterness used as a gastric agent to stimulate appetite, in diseases of the intestines and biliary tract. Azulene-containing essential oil acts as a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant. The high content of potassium together with other substances stimulates the activity of the kidneys, yarrow is used for spring and autumn treatments, mostly in blended teas. In addition, it stops both external and internal bleeding (pulmonary, intestinal, nasal, uterine, renal). Decoction of yarrow promotes wound healing. Baths with yarrow enhance the effect of its use inside.
- Yarrow tea: 2 teaspoons topped with herbs, pour 1/4 liter of boiling water and strain after 15 minutes. Drink moderately warm 2-3 cups every day.
Yarrow is, without a doubt, a very valuable medicinal plant, but it still should not be overestimated. Against all the above diseases in the plant world there are many other, often more effective remedies. At the same time, yarrow is a very useful component in the preparations.
- In diseases of the stomach, intestines and gallbladder, the following tea is very helpful: Yarrow 30.0 Chamomile 50.0 Peppermint 50.0 Prepare as indicated above.
In blood-purifying infusions, teas for coughs and colds, yarrow also plays an important role, since the substances contained in it enhance the effect of other herbs, being also tonic. The German Public Health Service indicates the following areas of application for yarrow: mild diseases of the stomach, intestines and biliary tract with spastic phenomena; to increase appetite. An equally important field of application of yarrow is the so-called neurosis of the pelvic organs in girls and women (spastic parametropathy). Symptoms of this disease are convulsive pains in the lower abdomen, not often in different places, combined with pain in the lower back. Often, women with this disease complain of especially painful sensations during menstruation and pain in the mammary glands before their onset. In these cases, a course (several weeks) of yarrow infusion gives good results: the antispastic and anti-inflammatory effects of individual components (azulenogen, chamazulene), as well as the tonic effect of bitterness, affect. But, as with any other female diseases, an unambiguous medical diagnosis is necessary, otherwise the treatment may be in vain. Additionally, they take baths with yarrow, both sitz and general. Yarrow extract can be purchased at a pharmacy, but you can prepare it yourself. Additionally, they take baths with yarrow, both sitz and general. Yarrow extract can be purchased at a pharmacy, but you can prepare it yourself. Additionally, they take baths with yarrow, both sitz and general. Yarrow extract can be purchased at a pharmacy, but you can prepare it yourself.
- Yarrow bath: pour 50-75 g of raw materials into 1 liter of boiling water, infuse for 20 minutes, filter1. This amount of infusion is enough for a full bath. For sitz baths take correspondingly less.
Use as a condiment. In some areas, yarrow is used as a seasoning in the preparation of fatty dishes (for example, goose roast, meat in pots, sausages). It smells good and promotes digestion. Thinly sliced young yarrow leaves are mixed with soft cheese, sprinkled over salads, and added to soups and stews just before serving. This is a very useful and pleasant supplement.
Use in homeopathy. The initial tincture of Millefolium is prepared from a fresh flowering herb and is used in degrees of dilution D 1 -D6 for all kinds of bleeding (pulmonary, intestinal, nasal, uterine), as well as improving blood circulation in dilated veins, disorders of the stomach, intestines and pelvic organs.
Application in folk medicine.Yarrow is one of the most favored medicinal plants in folk medicine, where it is taken mainly for the diseases described above. In addition, it is used for headaches, night cramps in the legs, worms, heavy menstruation, anemia, leucorrhoea in girls and as compresses for abscesses, bleeding, festering wounds. According to legend, Achilles and his friend Patroclus learned about the healing properties of this plant from a skilled healer – the centaur Chiron. Telephos, king of Misia, also healed his wounds with yarrow grass. Thus, there can be no doubt that even the ancient Greeks used this plant as a medicinal plant and that Dioscorides’ Stratiotes (soldier’s herb) is our yarrow, since it is known that this plant is more northern regions. It is also interesting to note
Side effects. Some people develop a specific skin rash, not only when taking yarrow in the form of baths, but also when touching it, often even while walking in the meadows, where it grows abundantly. Naturally, these people cannot tolerate either tea or yarrow juice. In such a case, it is necessary to immediately interrupt the treatment.