Popular names: tailed pepper, deceitful grains.
Pharmacy name: incompletely ripened drupes – Cubebae fructus (formerly: Fructus Cubebae).
Botanical description. Climbing shrub up to 6 m tall, with nodular thickened stems, leathery dark green leaves and flowers collected in a cob-shaped inflorescence. Most of all it is grown in South Asia and Java.
Active ingredients: essential oil, resins, cubebin, piperine and a number of other substances.
Application. It is used as an aromatic bitterness that acts on the gastrointestinal tract, as it stimulates its work and reduces the release of gases; as a condiment. In America, cubebe is an ingredient in snuff and asthma cigarettes.
Pepper – Piperaceae.
Popular names: tailed pepper, deceitful grains.
Pharmacy name: incompletely ripened drupes – Cubebae fructus (formerly: Fructus Cubebae).
Botanical description. Climbing shrub up to 6 m tall, with nodular thickened stems, leathery dark green leaves and flowers collected in a cob-shaped inflorescence. Most of all it is grown in South Asia and Java.
Active ingredients: essential oil, resins, cubebin, piperine and a number of other substances.
Application. It is used as an aromatic bitterness that acts on the gastrointestinal tract, as it stimulates its work and reduces the release of gases; as a condiment. In America, cubebe is an ingredient in snuff and asthma cigarettes.