
A well-known cultivated plant of the cereal family, which is grown in the fields.

Medicinal raw materials are seeds (grains) of barley.


Mucus from whole seeds: 10 g of seeds are poured into 100 ml of water and infused for 4-5 hours, then boiled for 10 minutes and the broth is filtered. Take 4-5 tbsp. spoons every day for gastrointestinal diseases and diarrhea.

Barley malt. Seeds are placed in suitable conditions for germination and, when they germinate, are dried. They contain within 40% starch, 10% protein, 10% dextrin, 30% fiber, enzyme (peptase), mineral salts and vitamins A, B, D, E. A very good remedy for a beneficial effect on the general metabolism in skin rashes , furunculosis, etc.

Extract from barley malt. An extract (malt extract) is prepared from dry seedlings in a special way. It contains within 10% dextrin, 5% proteins, vitamins and active diastase. Very good food for toddlers. Malt extract also works well for bronchitis.

In folk medicine, it is believed that a decoction of barley and pearl barley soothes the painful irritability of the mucous membranes of the internal organs and skin, and has a tonic effect. It is used for gastrointestinal diseases, and with artificial nutrition and feeding of infants, it is added to cow’s milk (brew a teaspoon of cereal in a glass of boiling water). For a baby 1-2 months old – 3 parts of barley broth are added to 1 part of milk. In the future, the amount of decoction is reduced.


An aqueous infusion of barley malt is drunk for hemorrhoids, scrofula, cough, gastric diseases, kidney stone disease, and especially for diseases of the bladder and urinary tract (2 tablespoons of malt flour insist 4 hours in 1 liter of boiling water, drink half a glass 4— 6 times every day, adding sugar).


Malt baths are used as an anti-inflammatory agent for skin diseases.

Poultices of barley malt and flour are used for breasts, external inflammatory processes and tumors.

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