kropiva bіla.
Lamiaceae family – Lamiacea (Labiatae).
For therapeutic purposes, corollas of flowers are used.
It occurs almost throughout Ukraine, with the exception of the southern Steppe. It grows in sparse forests, forest edges and clearings, thickets of shrubs, old gardens, as a weed on estates, streets, under fences, rarely in fields, forest belts, road plantings, sometimes in meadows and along river banks.
The reserves of raw materials are quite large – several centners of corollas of flowers can be harvested annually, mainly in the southern regions of Polissya, the forest-steppe and the northern part of the Steppe.
White lamb– herbaceous rhizomatous perennial up to 50-60 cm high. Rhizomes are creeping, horizontal, branched with filiform roots extending from the nodes. Stems erect or ascending, tetrahedral, sparsely pubescent with short, downcurved hairs. Leaves opposite, petiolate, ovate to ovate-triangular with a shallow heart-shaped base or elongate-ovate-lanceolate in the upper part of the stem, 3-12 cm long and 0.5-6 cm wide, coarsely serrated along the margin, sparsely pubescent on both sides with longish hairs . Inflorescences axillary false rings of 6-16 flowers. Corolla white, two-lipped, hairy on the outside, with a tubule 9-12 mm long. The upper lip is entire, the lower one with three lobes, of which the middle one is notched. Fruits – olive-green with whitish small tubercles, trihedral-pyramidal four-nuts in the remaining cup,
Blooms in May – August. The fruits ripen in June-September.
Raw materials are harvested during full flowering (May-July), plucking fully bloomed, unfaded corollas without calyxes. Fold without compaction in small baskets or buckets.
Dry immediately in the shade under sheds or in attics with good ventilation, laying out a thin layer (2-3 cm) on paper or cloth and stirring occasionally. Dried raw materials, when squeezed in the hand, should be elastic, not crumble, the resulting lumps quickly disintegrate. The yield of dry raw materials is 16-20%.
According to GOST 6620/210, the raw material consists of individual white or yellowish-whitish corollas of flowers within 12 mm in length. The smell is weak, honey. The taste is sweetish, with a feeling of sliminess. Humidity is not higher than 14%.
In raw materials it is allowed: other parts of the plant – no more than 3%, organic and mineral impurities 0.5% each.
Packed in plywood boxes lined with thick paper, weighing 25 kg. Store in packaged form in dry, well-ventilated areas on pallets or racks. The retention period has not been set.
Corollas of flowers contain mucus, tannins, essential oil, saponins, flavonoids. They are used as an astringent and hemostatic agent for pulmonary and uterine bleeding. Raw materials are exported.