Yakirtsі slanki – tributaries creeping



Odnorichna grassy zhorstkovololista roslina, the birthplace of parolithic. Stem recumbent, rozgaluzhene, 10-50 cm planter. The leaves are opposite, paired, with 6-8 pairs of long leaflets. The cards are two-state, correct, dribn, 5-pelyustkov, yellow, single, in the axils of the leaves. Plid p’yatikutny, rozpadaєtsya on 5 vcritih gostrimi thorns of peas. The color of the chervni is serpni.

Width. Zustrichaetsya in Crimea, in Stepa and sight in Lysostepu on dry sandy places, towers, cities and fields of that road.

Procurement and saving . Vykorostovyut grass (Herba Tribuli terrestris), zіbranu pіd hоvіtіnnya roslini. For a stretch of 2-3 years, the grass is dried in the sun, and then we dry it under a rush, or in well-ventilated areas. Dry syroviny comes out 22%. Saving lines – 5 years. Pharmacies do not allow syrovina.

Chemical warehouse . The herb yakirtsiv avenges flavonoids, saponins, steroidal glycosides, tannic resinous speech, barvniki, ascorbic acid thinly.

Pharmacological power and victory . A rare extract of yakirtsiv shows sechogenous, protisclerotic and hypotensive action, stimulating the secretion of mucosal juice. On the territory of the large SRSR with the herb yakirtsiv, the product tribusponin is used for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. In Bulgaria, syrovina is used for the preparation of products with a stimulating diet. In folk medicine, yakirtsі vicorist as a sechoginny and tonic zasib.

Medical forms and zastosuvannya .

Internally – an extract of a rare yakirtsiv of slanks (Extractum Tribuli fluidum) 30-35 drops 3 times a day;

tribusponin (Tribusponinum) 0.05-0.1-0.2 g per dose 2-3 times a day after 10 days (the course of treatment is 3-4 months with breaks after a 10-day skin cycle for 4 days) .