Ulcer multileaf

A biennial or perennial plant with a branched rhizome, from which several above-ground shoots extend. Stems up to 60 cm tall, thick, branched, wavy, leafy; lower leaves – on long petioles, stem – on short ones, all leaves are trifoliate, the terminal leaflet is larger than the lateral ones. The lashes are collected in dense heads, surrounded by bracts, the calyx is hairy, the corolla is yellow or orange.

The fruit is a bean, cut off at the top, one-seeded. Blooms in June-August.

Grows on hillsides, dry meadows, pine forests.

Medicinal raw material is a herb collected during the flowering period. The raw material contains flavonoids.

In folk medicine, a decoction of the herb is drunk for insomnia, stomach pains, stomach ulcers, diseases caused by weight lifting, as a diuretic, from tangles, with children’s fright, epilepsy. In case of epilepsy (mainly in children), they bathe in a decoction and give a decoction of grass to drink, when frightened, they also bathe in a decoction, less often they give a decoction to drink.

insomnia, stomach pain, stomach ulcers, diseases