Horse sorrel – horse sorrel

Horse sorrel (Rumex confertus); Buckwheat family (Polygonaceae); horse sorrel


In appearance, horse sorrel is not very attractive. It is rough, and there are no people willing to collect it. Unlike common sorrel, its leaves are not sour. The height of this representative of the Grechkovy family is up to 150 cm. The stem of the plant is straight, sometimes branches at the top. The leaves are triangular-ovate, “flaky”, covered with short hairs from below. The flowers are greenish, small, forming a dense panicle-like inflorescence. Horse sorrel blooms in May-June, the fruits – three-sided nuts – ripen in September. This plant is usually found in floodplain meadows, on the banks of rivers and lakes, sometimes along field roads and in littered places. It is widely distributed in the middle zone of the European part of Russia and all regions of Ukraine, except for the Carpathians and Carpathians.

Roots and leafy tops of plants are used in scientific medicine. Roots are harvested in autumn or early spring, after the snow melts. They are dug up, shaken off the soil, quickly washed in cold water and dried in the open air. Then the rotten and dead parts are removed, split lengthwise and dried, spread out in a thin layer, in the shade under shelter. They are dried in special dryers at a temperature of 50-60 °C. The grass is harvested during flowering. Dry in the air in the shade or in ventilated rooms. Raw materials are stored for three years in a dry place with access to air.

Horse sorrel roots contain from 8 to 12% tannins, organic acids, nepodin flavonoid, essential oil, calcium oxalate (up to 9%) and organic iron compounds.

Usually, the roots and leafy tops of the plant are used in the form of a powder or extract, mostly for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders (colitis and enterocolitis). Infusion of the aerial parts of sorrel helps with diarrhea of ​​various origins, has an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect. Root decoctions are used to treat various intestinal infections, especially in cases where other products are ineffective. Prospective use of sorrel as an anticancer agent.

In folk medicine, the hemostatic properties of the plant are used for hemorrhoids and uterine bleeding. Lotions with infusion and extract of sorrel are recommended for the treatment of skin diseases.

The use of plant products is contraindicated in kidney diseases and pregnancy.

Horse sorrel roots are used in the tanning industry and for obtaining black dye.

Decoction of roots. 2 tablespoons of crushed raw materials per 200 ml of boiling water. Heat in a boiling water bath for 20 minutes, filter, cool, bring to the original volume with warm boiled water. Take 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals. Binding and fixing agent.