
Common sorrel (sour) (Sour sorrel)


A perennial herbaceous plant with one or more stems emerging from a creeping rhizome. The lower stem leaves are petiolate, spear-shaped, with a lanceolate terminal lobe and two smaller, perpendicularly extending lateral lobes, the upper ones are sessile, linear-lanceolate. The flowers are small, reddish, collected in a loose panicle. Blooms all summer.

Grows in meadows, fields, fallow fields. Occurs frequently.

The decoction contains tannins, calcium oxalate.

Medicinal raw materials are leaves, grass.

In folk medicine, a decoction of the herb is drunk for internal bleeding, used for rinsing with scurvy, sore throat and loosening of the gums.

Externally used for chronic wounds and ulcers, compresses are made for external bleeding, and fresh leaves are in all cases more effective than decoction. Sorrel increases the acidity of gastric juice.

And also give respect to the statue Sorrel sour

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