Sholomnica zvichayna – common skullcap

A perennial herb with a creeping rhizome, a plant of the Labialaceae family. The stems are four-sided, ascending, 10-90 cm tall, simple or branched, covered in the lower part with scattered, and in the upper part with thicker, downward-bent short hairs. The leaves are opposite, short-petiolate, ovate- or elongated-lanceolate, with a non-cordate base and a blunt-pointed apex, serrated-serrate along the edge (much above the middle, but not to the very apex), covered with scattered short hairs on top, thicker and longer hairs on the bottom, bracts are similar to stem leaves, but smaller. The flowers are bisexual, irregular, single, axillary, turned to one side, in a sparse, interrupted, tassel-like inflorescence, vaguely separated from the vegetative part of the stem. The calyx is tubular-bell-shaped, densely pubescent on the outside, inside bare, double-lipped; upper lip at the base with a convex-concave transverse appendage in the form of a comb. The corolla is double-lipped, blue-violet, with a yellowish tube on the ventral side and a yellow spot with blue spots on the lower lip, hairy on the outside; the upper lip is shorter than the lower lip. The fruit consists of four one-seeded nut-shaped lobes. Blooms from June to September.

Spread. Sholomnytsia common grows on floodplain meadows, along riverbanks, swamps, elms all over the territory of Ukraine, except Crimea.

Procurement and storage . Scutellariae grass (Herba Scutellariae) is harvested for medical purposes. The raw material is collected during the flowering of the plant and used fresh or dried by spreading it in a thin layer on paper or cloth under shelter in the open air or in a well-ventilated room. The finished raw materials are collected in well-closed cans or cans.

The plant is unofficial .

The chemical composition needs further study. It is known that all parts of the plant contain the glycoside scutellarin.

Pharmacological properties and use . Common cranberry has a hypotensive, sedative, diuretic, astringent and hemostatic effect, helps to thin out sputum. In traditional medicine, an infusion of slomolnitsa grass is given internally for hypertension, dropsy, bleeding (internal and external) and for cough with thick sputum.

Medicinal forms and applications. Internally – infusion (infuse 1 teaspoon of fresh or dry grass for 1 hour in 200 ml of boiling water, strain) – 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.