Cinnamon rose hip

Rosa cinnamomea L.

The rose family is Rosaceae


What does it look like? A perennial bush 100-150 cm tall, with vine-shaped branches and numerous thorns. There are many types and varieties of rose hips, the richest in vitamin C is cinnamon rose hips (Rosa cinnamomea L.). The leaves are odd-pinnate, with 5-7 oblong-elliptical or oblong-ovate sharp-toothed leaflets. Flowers with a pleasant smell, with lanceolate bracts, five-petalled, petals pale or dark red, broad-ovate. The fruit is a false berry with numerous nut-like seeds inside. Fruits are fleshy, smooth on top, hairy inside, orange or red, pleasant to the taste, contain malic and citric acids, flavonoids, vanillin, betulin, isoquercitrin, lycopene, sugar, tannins, carotenoids, xanthophyll, pectins, vitamins ( up to 1.7%) C, A, B2 , E, K and R; volatile and fatty oil in seeds. Blooms in May-June, berries ripen in October.

Where does it grow? On the edges of forests, borders, in ravines, roadside ditches, among bushes, under fences, in cemeteries – all over the territory of Ukraine. The plant is very variable, for example Rosa canina L. (dog’s).

What and when are collected? Leaves during flowering, ripe fruits – from about October 15 (dried in the oven at a temperature of up to 80).

When is it used? The rich content of vitamins and their very successful combination in the fruits determine the use of rose hips – for scurvy, hemorrhagic diathesis (hemophilia), atherosclerosis, as a means that increases the body’s resistance, in the fight against infectious diseases (whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria, pneumonia), for wounds , poorly healing wounds, infected wounds, uterine and other bleedings (vitamin C works), with chicken blindness, liver and kidney stones, in the treatment of wounds, ulcers and scalds (carotene, provitamin A works), to strengthen visual acuity and improve the function of hematopoiesis organs — vitamin By, vitamin K normalizes blood clotting, and vitamin P thickens vessel walls and reduces their fragility; phytoncides are antimicrobial, saponins are diuretic.

Used in the form of tea. For 1 glass of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon of crushed fruits (together with seeds) and boil for 5 minutes. Drink 1 glass in the morning and in the evening, in sips: with gastric and duodenal ulcers (even with bleeding) and with gastritis with insufficient gastric secretion, with various forms of anemia (in poorly developed girls and boys and with malignant tumors), with stone diseases of the liver and urinary organs, with atherosclerosis, in particular of the coronary vessels of the heart. Instead of tea, you can use alcohol tincture of rose hips. 1 cup of dried or finely chopped dry fruits is mixed with 1 — 1.5 cups of granulated sugar and 3 cups of 70% alcohol and placed in the sun for 5 days. On the 6th day, add 3 more glasses of 40% vodka and keep in the sun for another 5 days. On the 10th day, strain, squeeze out the sediment, pour into a bottle and drink a small glass (15 g) twice a day after meals. A decoction of the roots (2 tablespoons of crushed root in 2 cups of water) is boiled for 15 minutes, infused until it cools down, and drunk three times a day for 1 cup for stone diseases of the liver and urinary organs and for malaria (it neutralizes plasmodia), before eating. An infusion of rosehip leaves (1 tablespoon per 1 cup of boiling water, infused for 10 minutes), taken 1 cup a day, improves the motor function of the stomach, soothes stomach pains, neutralizes gas, and in case of diarrhea, reduces the number of urges (a heating pad is placed on the stomach area ). Drink before meals. eat 1 glass three times a day for stone diseases of the liver and urinary organs and for malaria (it neutralizes plasmodia), before meals. An infusion of rosehip leaves (1 tablespoon per 1 cup of boiling water, infused for 10 minutes), taken 1 cup a day, improves the motor function of the stomach, soothes stomach pains, neutralizes gas, and in case of diarrhea, reduces the number of urges (a heating pad is placed on the stomach area ). Drink before meals. eat 1 glass three times a day for stone diseases of the liver and urinary organs and for malaria (it neutralizes plasmodia), before meals. An infusion of rosehip leaves (1 tablespoon per 1 cup of boiling water, infused for 10 minutes), taken 1 cup a day, improves the motor function of the stomach, soothes stomach pains, neutralizes gas, and in case of diarrhea, reduces the number of urges (a heating pad is placed on the stomach area ). Drink before meals.

And also pay attention to the article Rosehip