Ethiopian sage

Biennial herbaceous grayish tomentose plant with a hard woody root and a thick (up to 3 cm) tetrahedral, pyramidal, branched stem 25-100 cm high. Basal leaves in a rosette. They are ovoid, unequally toothed, wrinkled, petiolate, up to 15 cm long; stem (1-3 pairs) – short-petiolate or sessile, with a broad stem-bearing base, much smaller; upper pri-colored -sessile, broadly ovate, pointed, entire, shorter than flowers. The flowers are white, 6-10 in false rings. The fruits are ovoid-triangular brown smooth nuts in a calyx. Blooms in June-July. The fruits ripen in July-August.

It occurs in the steppe and forest-steppe regions of Ukraine, the Caucasus, and other places. It grows on the slopes of beams and river valleys, edges and clearings, roadsides.

Medicinal raw material is grass (the upper parts of the stem) with flowers and immature fruits.

A tincture is prepared from the leaves, which is used as a remedy for sweating. In patients with tuberculosis with profuse sweating, a tincture at a dose of 15 drops 3 times every day reduces sweating. The greatest effect develops on the 3rd day. After stopping the tincture, the effect is saved from 2 to 15 days. A similar effect of the tincture was also found in patients with fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis with debilitating profuse sweating. The drug was administered at a dose of 20 drops per reception 3 times every day for 3 days. Sweating decreased on the 2nd-3rd day. The action of the product after its cancellation lasted from 2 to 10 days.

The most pronounced decrease in sweating was noted in patients with subcompensated forms of tuberculosis; in decompensated forms, the effect of the product was unstable.

In folk medicine, it is used for hemoptysis, to reduce sweating in tuberculosis patients.