Medicinal sage

Salvia officinalis L.

The family of hyacinths is Lamiaceae, or Labiatae


What does it look like? Perennial subshrub 20-70 cm tall, all densely downy. There are many stems, they are four-sided, woody at the base, and above are covered with gray-green leaves, oblong, long-petioled, with a finely meshed surface and serrated edges. The flowers are placed in rings in apical spike-shaped inflorescences. The corolla is violet-blue, double-lipped. The whole plant is fragrant. Blooms in June.

Where does it grow? Planted in flower gardens, gardens, cultivated in the Crimea as a medicinal and essential oil plant. Comes from the Mediterranean countries.

What and when are collected? Leaves, before flowering plants and in September.

When is it used? For the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for invigorating digestion, for diseases of the liver and gall bladder, for reducing high blood pressure, as well as as a diuretic, carminative, astringent – for rinsing the throat, mouth, for toothache (flux ).

Used in the form of tea. For 1 glass of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon of crushed sage leaves , infuse for 10 minutes and drink 1-2 glasses a day. Facilitates expectoration in case of prolonged bronchitis, reduces night sweats and secretion of milk in women who are breastfeeding. Due to the fact that clary sage has anti-putrefactive properties, it is used for inflammatory processes in the kidney bowls (pyelitis). For stomach spasms, 1 tablespoon of a mixture of cold mint leaves, valerian root, sage leaves and chamomile flowers in a ratio of 10:3:3:4 is infused in 1 cup of boiling water for 15 minutes and drunk 1 cup at a time.

For diarrhea, take 1 tablespoon of a mixture of sage leaves and blueberry berries (Fructus myrtilli) in a ratio of 3:4, infuse in 1 glass of hot water and drink half a glass every 2 hours

To reduce night sweats in patients with tuberculosis, 1 tablespoon of a mixture of sage leaves, horsetail grass and valerian root in a ratio of 8:1:1 is infused for 30 minutes in 1 glass of boiling water and drunk half a glass three times a day. In case of excessive sweating, take 1 tablespoon of a mixture of sage leaves , the skin of the green fruit of a walnut and horsetail grass in a ratio of 1:1:2, infuse for 30 minutes in 1 cup of boiling water and drink slowly in sips, half a glass two or three times for one day.

To stop lactation (milk secretion), take 1 tablespoon of a mixture of sage leaves , hop cones and walnut leaves in a ratio of 2:2:1 per 1 cup of boiling water, infuse for 30 minutes and drink 7g — 1 cup twice a day.

At an attack of bronchial asthma, take 1 dry leaf of sage and half a leaf of datura (Datura stramonium L.), roll up a cigarette and take several small puffs.

From a mixture of sage leaves and marigold flowers in a ratio of 3:1, take 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of boiling water, infuse for half an hour and gargle for 5-10 minutes in case of sore throat, inflammation of the throat; mouth — with ulcers, after tooth extraction and loose teeth (amphodontosis), with fluxes. Rinsing has an astringent effect, reduces inflammation, and disinfects. (For mold in children, use 3 parts steam with 1 part vinegar).

For poultices on painful places and fluxes, take 100 g of sage leaves , 50 g each of chamomile flowers and mint leaves, pour boiling water, pour into a bag, heat in a vessel on the stove.

Sage baths give good results in the treatment of patients with subacute and chronic polyarthritis (for various reasons), radiculitis, sciatica, paresis and contractures after poliomyelitis.

Volatile sage oils contain terpenes (pinene, cineole, tanacetin, saponins in the leaves, tannins, resins, nicotinic acid amide, estrogenic substances).