Chistotil (greenery)

Poppy’s homeland is Papaveraceae


How do you look? Bagatorichna herbaceous roslina 30-100 cm whorls. When injured, all the roslin (especially the roots) saw a sik, which turned orange on the surface. The rhizome is її bug-togolovkove, red-bure, yellow-orange in the middle, with a new sprat stem. The stems are straight, galusist, vuzluvaty, covered with hairs. The leaves are blackish-gray to the sky, light green to the beast: the lower ones are black, dovgopetioles, deep-pinnate, the upper ones may be sessile, with rounded or ovoid, serrated parts, which at the base are humiliated. Flowers of gold-yellow, on long flower-patterns and with a chotiripelustkovy vіnochkom, sig- nificantly selected in small umbrellas. Plid pod-like – two-studded box. Duzhe otruyny. Blossom from the beginning of the grass and may be all summer.

De growth? On zasmіchenih mіstsyah, often in zamіnku, near zhitla, under tins, in zanedbanih parks and gardens, along tsvintary, along fox-cuts, obabіch rural streets – all over the territory of Ukraine, Crimean prіvnіchnyh districts in Krim.

What and when to take? Usyu roslina, for example, grass, drank the hour of the most rosy blossom, and inkoli – the tops themselves. Dry shvidko, on hills. Pick up the growth of the trail without sticking your nose, lips, eyes. If you work with cleanliness , you need to carefully wash your hands

When to stall? Як жовчогінний засіб при жовтяниці і жовчних каменях (обережно), як болезаспокійливий — при судомах, болях у грудях, ядусі, болісному астматичному кашлі, простуді (спазмолітична дія алкалоїдів хелідоніну і холелітрину, близьких за хімічною будовою до алкалоїдів опію, нагадує дію папаверину і кодеїну , but not evocative of euphoria). Therefore, with caution, celandine can be used for pain in the sac, constipation, spleen disease and wound (as recommended by S. A. Tomilin) ​​for rheumatism. In case of persistent arthritic and rheumatic pains, take 1 tablespoon of sumish (poly) of licorice-hot solanum, arnica and prickly flowers, tricolor violet herb, European kopitnyak leaf, herb with celandine rootin the wild, horsetail herb and buckthorn measles in a bottle of okrop, infuse for 2 years and drink warm 3/4 bottles of trichi per day. Roslina is vitamin-bearing, it contains vitamins A and C, rich in organic acids, letka oliya, flavonoids, saponins and 14 alkaloids (especially rich in rosliny roots – about 1.4%, of which chelidonin, protopcholinerin are more important) , In the experiment, products of cleanliness stream the growth of evil fluff, so they began to get accustomed as a splendid and prophylactic benefit to cancer.

Cleanliness can be used to treat ailments, such as contraindications for surgical operations and promenev therapy, – after the operation, the development of metastases is covered.


Stop at the sight of tea. For 1 bottle of dill, take 1 tablespoon of pored roslin and infuse for 2 years. Drink 1/3 bottle (100 ml) trichi per day (prophylactically against cancer drink 2-3 days per month) keep warm in case of liver disease – hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, with severe cough, poisoning, bronchial asthma, chest toads and with all ailments caused by spasm of smooth mucus. M.I. Solomchenko in case of ailment of the twelve colonies zastosovuє with celandine grass, canning with 96 ° alcohol, 1 teaspoon with water up to ½, as well as 10% infusion of herbs 50 g to ½ for 2 months.

Chistotil shows bactericidal and fungicidal (antimicrobial and antifungal) activity (bacteriostatic against tuberculosis bacillus). Remove warts with fresh juice, smearing them 1 or 2 times a day, soaking them in front with water and lightly brushing them with a sterile instrument. Once you have seen something, then the warts sting after the orange juice is injected into the middle – 10-20 drops of trichi per day. Fresh juice is also smeared with corns, skin with lichen, yellow flames and other visips on the body.

Psoriasis (lichen lichen) rejoice at the present sumishi (equally) 1 tablespoon of finely trimmed herb celandine from the great and herb tricolor violets (brothers) in 1 glass of okrop; 1 vial of infusion sip for a day. One hour to have a hot bath at a time with fresh herbs celandine (4 tablespoons in 1 liter of water). At a foolishness, shake your head at him, so that you can see the root hair.

With “wild meat” and tuberculosis, this ointment is used. Take 2 parts (per volume) only a little bit of flowering tops of St. John’s wort, 2 parts of fresh herb celandine and 1 part each of the herb of rosichka and flowers of nagidok, rub everything like a herb-like mass, adding the trochas of sonyashnikova oliya. To smear the muzzle with virazki, to shatter the shmatki tampons thinned with it in gauze (M. A. Nosal).

Vzhivat also the axis of such a paste. Before taking 10 g of spore-powdered leaves of celandine, vaseline and lanolin, add 10 drops of 0.25% carbolic acid, grind thoroughly and put on tubercular viraz .

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