Chistets marsh

A perennial plant with a thick creeping rhizome, a straight tetrahedral rough stem, lanceolate leaves with a serrate-toothed edge and purple or purple two-lipped flowers collected in whorls in the axils of the leaves. Blooms in June-August. The fruit is a nut.

Distributed in the forest and forest-steppe zones of Siberia. East of Baikal is not found. Grows in wet meadows, swamps, river banks, in damp birch groves.

Medicinal raw material is the aerial part in the flowering stage. The plant contains alkaloids (betaine, turicine, etc.), essential oil, fatty oils, resins, organic acids, tannins, dyes, and other substances.

It has been established that the liquid extract of the marsh chistetsa is slightly toxic; dilates blood vessels and depresses the central nervous system.

In folk medicine, an infusion of herbs is used for hysteria, fainting, scrofula, weakness of labor, and menstruation. Externally used for rinsing with angina, washing wounds and ulcers, in the form of baths for scrofula.


Tincture: 3 teaspoons of herbs insist within 7 days in a glass of vodka, take 15-20 drops with 2-3 tbsp. spoons of water.