Tsmin piskovy – tsmin sandy

Compositae family; sand cypress (not to be confused with annual immortelles (Xeranthemum annuum))


A popular rumor claims that the yellow color of cumin flowers indicates its healing properties for jaundice (hepatitis). This is one of the cases when the medicinal effect of the plant, attributed to it by tradition, completely coincided with scientific data.

Cumin is a herbaceous perennial 15-30 cm tall, sometimes a little more. The whole plant is covered with thick, rough-felt pubescence, “grayish”. Stem leaves alternate, entire; flowers are yellow, rarely bright orange, collected in inflorescences – baskets. Cumin blooms from June to September. The fruit is a flying seed.

Most often, the plant can be seen on lawns and the edges of pine forests in the European part of Russia, usually on sandy or stony soil. Tsmin is also found in Ukraine (all over the territory in pine forests, on steppe slopes, outcrops, sands), Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

By the way, why is this plant called a “dried flower”? And because it is often used in decorative flower arrangements, as it retains its color and appearance well.

For medical purposes, cumin inflorescences are collected at the beginning of flowering, before the opening of the baskets. They are usually cut with scissors with a small (up to 1 cm) remnant of the peduncle. For restoration, leave 8-10 plants on an area of ​​15-20 m 2 . Cumin can be collected again in the same place after a year or two. The collected baskets are laid out in a thin layer on paper or cloth and dried in a ventilated, shaded place. The storage period is 3 years. Dry flowers for making decoctions are sold in pharmacies.

The inflorescences of the plant contain glycosides, flavonoids, steroid compounds, phenolic substances, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamin K, coumarin, essential oil, resinous and bitter substances (bitterness).

In scientific medicine, cumin inflorescences (decoction, extract and other products from them) are used to stimulate the work of the stomach as an antispasmodic and choleretic agent. Extracts and decoctions of the plant have an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and tonic effect; slightly increase blood pressure, increase the secretion of bile and reduce its viscosity. Cumin preparations are prescribed for hepatitis, gastritis and pancreatic dysfunction.

In folk medicine, dry inflorescences of the plant are used in a wider range. They are used as a diuretic and hemostatic agent. Decoctions of inflorescences have a good therapeutic effect in stomach disorders, urolithiasis, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder. They relieve the condition of patients with acute cystitis, difficult and painful urination, edema caused by kidney failure. A decoction of tsmin is also taken for inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Plant infusion is used to stop bleeding in hyperpolymenorrhea, ovarian dysfunction, and uterine fibroids.

Cumin flowers are part of many choleretic preparations and teas used in scientific and folk medicine. The plant is not toxic, its products do not cause side effects. Cumin is introduced into culture, it is grown on special plantations for medicinal purposes.

In everyday life, a thick decoction of inflorescences is used to dye fabrics yellow, and dry inflorescences protect clothes from moths.

Decoction of flowers. 200 ml of boiling water is poured from a tablespoon of raw materials and heated in a water bath with stirring for 30 minutes, cooled, filtered, squeezed and brought to the original volume with warm boiled water. Take 1/2 cup warm 2-3 times a day for 15 minutes. before eating The decoction is stored in a cool place for no more than two days.

Infusion of flowers. 20 g of raw materials (6 tablespoons) pour 300 ml of boiling water, insist until cool, filter. Take 1 tablespoon each until the bleeding stops, but no more than 8-10 spoons.