A perennial herb, up to 15 cm tall, a plant of the primrose family. At the end of a short or elongated rhizome, it has a flattened spherical nodule covered with a cork-like layer. The leaves are basal, mostly evergreen, simple, with a heart-shaped or round, at the base with a ridge-concave, entire or sparsely toothed plate on a long petiole, 12-20 cm long. Flowers regular, bisexual, large, axillary, single, on peduncles, almost equal to the leaves or 1.5 times longer than them; corolla is carmine-red, with a short, almost spherical tube and a five-parted averted bend. The fruit is a box. Blooms from August to October.
Spread. The homeland of the European cyclamen is the mountains of Central Europe, the Balkan Peninsula. On the territory of Ukraine (mainly on the Right Bank) it is cultivated in open ground as an ornamental plant, sometimes wild.
Procurement and storage . Fresh cyclamen tubers (Tubera Cyclaminis) are used for medicinal purposes, which are harvested in the fall and stored in a cellar in moist sand. The plant is unofficial.
Chemical composition . Cyclamen tubers contain the saponin cyclamine, which during hydrolysis splits into the amorphous sapogenin cyclamiretin and sugar; leulosin, cyclose, dextrose, pentose and polysaccharide cyclamosin.
Pharmacological properties and use. Experiments have established that cyclamen products show antistocide activity, and their effect on the heart is similar to digitalis products. In homeopathy, cyclamen is used for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and for colds. Among the people, this plant is recognized as a remedy that helps with menstrual disorders and related nervous disorders, neuralgia, indigestion, colic due to flatulence, and rheumatic pains. The plant is also used as an external remedy. The use of cyclamen is considered particularly effective for cold-like headaches, frontitis, and sinusitis. The patient, who is sitting with his head thrown back, is injected with a pipette into his nostrils with 2 drops of fresh filtered juice and left in this position for 5 minutes, making sure that he breathes through his nose. After that, the patient should tie his head and lie down in bed. 10-15 minutes after the session, the patient starts to sneeze and cough, sweats profusely, a large amount of secretion begins to be released from the nostrils, which lasts for a day, sometimes less. After some time, the patient falls asleep soundly and wakes up feeling good. Crushed tubers are applied to rheumatic tumors and hemorrhoidal bumps. For white hair, women use fresh juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. It must be remembered that cyclamen belongs to poisonous plants. It should be used carefully and under the supervision of a doctor. After some time, the patient falls asleep soundly and wakes up feeling good. Crushed tubers are applied to rheumatic tumors and hemorrhoidal bumps. For white hair, women use fresh juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. It must be remembered that cyclamen belongs to poisonous plants. It should be used carefully and under the supervision of a doctor. After some time, the patient falls asleep soundly and wakes up feeling good. Crushed tubers are applied to rheumatic tumors and hemorrhoidal bumps. For white hair, women use fresh juice diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. It must be remembered that cyclamen belongs to poisonous plants. It should be used carefully and under the supervision of a doctor.
Medicinal forms and applications .
Internally – infusion (a tablespoon of finely chopped tubers is infused for 15 minutes in 400 ml of boiling water, strained) for a third of a glass 3 times a day; tincture (made with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10) 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day.
Externally – 2 drops of fresh tuber juice in both nostrils.