Perennial herbaceous plant up to 90 cm tall. Taproot, long, thick, fleshy, with thin lateral roots. Stem one or more, erect, furrowed, branched. The leaves are basal, collected in a rosette, long (up to 60 cm long and 15 cm wide), oblong, with a heart-shaped base and a crenate edge; stem – oblong or oblong-lanceolate, porous-separate, lower – petiolate, upper – sessile, reduced, serrated or entire along the edge. Flowering shoots are found in the second year, reaching a height of one and a half meters. Flowers are white, in racemes. The fruits are oblong-oval, reticulate-veined pods. Blossoms in May-July. Medicinal raw materials are the roots collected in the fall. The roots contain glycoside-sinigrin, essential mustard oil (containing allyl mustard oil, phenyl-ethyl mustard oil), a lot of ascorbic acid (up to 200 mg%), enzyme lyceosin, a lot of potassium and calcium, phytoncides. The pungent taste and peculiar smell of horseradish are due to the presence of essential oil in it, which is released when rubbed. The leaves and roots are rich in vitamin C and can be used as an antiscorbutic.
In experiments, the bactericidal effect of horseradish was established. As a medicine, horseradish in the form of juice is used mainly in folk medicine.
The juice is used to treat scurvy, improve appetite and digestion, as it has the ability to increase appetite and stimulate gastric secretion. It is used as a diuretic and expectorant, with difficulty urinating, bladder stones, delayed menstruation. When mashed, the roots are applied externally as a distraction and skin irritant, which is not inferior to mustard. Also recommended for the destruction of freckles, wash the skin with water with the addition of horseradish juice. The juice from the root is used for gargling, also instilled into the ears with suppuration.
As a tonic, horseradish is recommended for mental and physical labor. Horseradish is effective for toothache (gargling). The juice squeezed from the whole plant is recommended to be taken in the morning and evening for people suffering from kidney and bladder stones.
Root juice with honey or sugar is taken for liver diseases. The crushed root boiled with beer and juniper berries is used for dropsy. Juice mixed with denatured alcohol is used for rubbing against rheumatism, from aching joints and bones. Burnt horseradish treat ulcers with overgrown granulations, as well as purulent, poorly healing wounds.
Used in homeopathy.
The use of horseradish is contraindicated in gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis, inflammatory diseases of the liver and kidneys.
In scientific medicine, horseradish roots are used as a diuretic, antiscorbutic, in acute hepatitis, trichomonas colpitis.
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