
Perennial herbaceous plant of the loosestrife family with a ribbed, tetrahedral stem up to 2.5 m tall. Leaves opposite, sessile, whole-ray, ovate, shiny. The flowers are collected in panicles, located on the tops of the stems, lateral branches. Corolla petals greenish-pink. Culture blooms in Azerbaijan in mid-August, sometimes until mid-October.

Medicinal raw materials are leaves, which contain 2 coloring substances – green chlorophyll and yellow-red lavzone. Henna grown in Azerbaijan contains tannins of the pyrogal group.

Approximately the same substances and in the same quantity are contained in imported henna.


Used powder, 10% ointment and henna paste for eczema, weeping wounds and ulcers. For this purpose, the powder is poured with boiling water, a slurry is obtained, mixed with alum or bile.

Henna mixed with mercury and oil is used for scab and other fungal diseases.

Used to strengthen hair. 25 g of henna is poured with hot water (70 \u003d C) until a slurry is formed and applied hot with a brush (but without burning) to each small strand of hair, previously washed and dried. After 15-40 minutes, the hair is washed with warm water without soap.

For a better hygienic effect, it is recommended to mix henna powder thoroughly with basma (1: 1).

Henna and basma are sold in perfume shops for 25 g in paper bags. Store in a dry dark place for a year.