Odnorichna 5-30 (40) cm The stems are erect or vishіdnі to mayzhe recumbent, simple or in the form of a base of razgaluzhenі, іruvatі in the form of dense pubescence. Leaves are black, simple, along the edge of the serrations or mayzhe tsіlokraї (primordial), with palmately lobed stipules; primordial leaflets are friable, wide within succulent, with a petiole that extends beyond the blade; the lower stem leaves are rounded or broadly ovate, with a petiole not shorter than the blade, the upper ones are species of female- or linear-lanceolate, develop less than a pedunculate flower. Quotes are all sinus, two-state are incorrect, five-sided, on long (22-75 mm) legs; vіnochok ugvіgnuty, deshcho short for a cup, bіluvato-zhovtuvaty, and sometimes with bluish upper fluff. Plid – a box. Bloom from black to black.
Width. Violet of Kitaibel growth in the steppes, steppe and stony slopes is more important in the Zlakovy, closer to the Zlakovo-Luchny steppe.
Procurement and saving . Vicory herb (Herba Violae tricoloris) is used to prepare vicarious liquors. Grass is cut with a sickle or with a knife, laid out under a canopy or in a well-ventilated area with a ball of 5-7 cm on paper and dry, periodically mixing. Dry grass comes out 20-22%. Lines of appurtenance – second to fate. Violet grass is for sale in pharmacies.
Chemical warehouse . Grass Violet chinesebelevoi revenge flavonoids (2.1%); rutin, violantin, vitexin, isovitexin, orientin, isoorientin, vicenin, isoquercitrin, leukoanthocyanidin, violanin, saponaretin and other; anthocyanin glycosides (in flowers); violanin, 3-glycoside delphinidine, 3-glycoside, peonidine; carotenoids: B-carotene, violoxanthin, zeaxanthin, auroxanthin, flavoxanthin; saponins (14.8%), ursolic acid (up to 6.2%), mucous membranes of tannins, vitamin C, essential oil (0.01%), and other conditions. At the warehouse of ethereal oliї є methyl ether of salicylic acid.
Pharmacological power and victory. The jubilation of a Chinese violet is even more popular. It is explained by the ce viklyuchennom by a wide range of influencing authorities of the line of growth. Antiseptic, antispasmodic, bronchodilator, pharyngeal, diuretic, weak zhovchogenny and spasmolytic powers will increase in it. Zvazhayutsya on tse, herbs of Chinese violet violets are prescribed for acute respiratory infections, chronic bronchitis and bronchopneumonia, with whooping cough, in times of inflammation of the intestinal tract, nirok and sich mikhura, with nirkovokamyangrii podarthitis, polyarthritis. Dermotonic, hyposensitivity, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-sclerotic, pain-relieving and anti-verbility power to truly therapeutically instill Chinese violet violet in dermatological practice. Oral infusion of violet herb infusion is shown and gives a good therapeutic effect in case of scurvy, urticaria, granulating wounds, trophic lesions, bumps, boils, avitaminosis with visips on the skin, psoriasis and eczema. For the treatment of oral and genital aphthosis, pustular visips with impetigo, herpes visips and stings of the skin, pressure from the fresh herb violets. In obstetric practice, infusions of herbs of violets give the middle as a zasib, which will spray the shortness of the uterus in the puerperal period. Often violet vicorist is used in sumishes with other medicinal roses. Violet preparations do not show side effects on the body, but superimposed implantation can cause diarrhea and vomit. avitaminosis with visips on the skin, psoriasis and eczema. For the treatment of oral and genital aphthosis, pustular visips with impetigo, herpes visips and stings of the skin, pressure from the fresh herb violets. In obstetric practice, infusions of herbs of violets give the middle as a zasib, which will spray the shortness of the uterus in the puerperal period. Often violet vicorist is used in sumishes with other medicinal roses. Violet preparations do not show side effects on the body, but superimposed implantation can cause diarrhea and vomit. avitaminosis with visips on the skin, psoriasis and eczema. For the treatment of oral and genital aphthosis, pustular visips with impetigo, herpes visips and stings of the skin, pressure from the fresh herb violets. In obstetric practice, infusions of herbs of violets give the middle as a zasib, which will spray the shortness of the uterus in the puerperal period. Often violet vicorist is used in sumishes with other medicinal roses. Violet preparations do not show side effects on the body, but superimposed implantation can cause diarrhea and vomit. that spriyaє uterine contractions in the prenatal period. Often violet vicorist is used in sumishes with other medicinal roses. Violet preparations do not show side effects on the body, but superimposed implantation can cause diarrhea and vomit. that spriyaє uterine contractions in the prenatal period. Often violet vicorist is used in sumishes with other medicinal roses. Violet preparations do not show side effects on the body, but superimposed implantation can cause diarrhea and vomit.
Medical forms and zastosuvannya .
Internally – infusion of herbs (2 tablespoons of syrovin per 400 ml of dill, leave for 2 years, protsiditi) for pivsklyanka 4 times a day before eating; Averin tea (a tablespoon of sumish herbs of violets of chinese-white succession of three-stranded licorice-hot solanaceous, taken from spіvіdnoshennі 4:4:1, brewed from sklyantsі okrop) to give to children in a chilled look at 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day as an ash;
a tablespoon of sumish herbs of Chinese violet violet, small centaury, rutka likarskoy, licorice-hot paslon, bagna zvichayny and leaf of European kopitnyak, taken from spivvіdnoshennі 2:2:1:1:1:1 once a day for chronic eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis;
2 tablespoons of Sumyshi (Porіvna) Halves of Chinesebelia, I Berodiloi, the Footer Figit of the Votkiy I hunger lisovikh until Oklodzhennya on the SkLansi Okropa, Procedure, I live on a trinket of 3 grooves. with supra-world menstruation associated with inflammation of the uterus.
Zovnishnyo – smearing with fresh juice.