Damask rose – damask rose

Shrub, 1.5-2 m tall, a plant of the rose family. The stems are erect or slightly deviated, branched, densely covered with the same strong, straight, flattened reddish spines. Alternate leaves, 12-15 cm long, odd-pinnate; leaves (3-5 of them, rarely 7) are ovate-lanceolate, notched-serrate, shiny on top, downy, blunt, up to 4 cm long. The flowers are terry, very fragrant, in a corymbose or corymbose paniculate inflorescence; petals are numerous (up to 30), broadly obovate, with a shallow notch at the top, narrowed to the base into a short nail, pink or pale red. Sepals (5 of them) distinctly pinnate, after flowering are bent downwards. The fruit is a hypanthium, oval or pear-shaped, red. Blooms in June.

Spread. Damask rose is not found in the wild. As an essential oil plant, it is grown in the Crimean, Zaporizhzhya and Odesa regions. Many forms are used in decorative gardening throughout the territory of Ukraine.

Procurement and storage . Rose petals (Flores Rosae) are used for medical purposes. They are collected in dry weather and when the dew comes down. This should be done as soon as possible, since the petals collected at noon contain 20-30% less essential oil than those collected in the morning. Dry raw materials in the shade in the open air or in a ventilated dry room. Dry petals yield 12-13%. The finished raw materials are stored in well and tightly closed cans or cans. Fresh petals are used as a raw material for extracting rose oil (Oleum Rosae).

Chemical composition . Rose petals contain essential oil (0.02-0.04%), tannic, bitter and resinous substances, cyanine dye and other compounds. The main components of the essential oil are geraniol (50-60%), citronellol (up to 22.6%), nerol, eugenol, phenylethyl alcohol, citral, nonyl, cinnamic and other aldehydes and stearoptene.

Pharmacological properties and use. Rose oil has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, choleretic and choleretic properties, dilates blood vessels, improves heart function, has a calming effect, and when applied externally, has an antimicrobial and analgesic effect. The Bulgarian product Rosanol (gelatin capsules containing 34.4 mg of rose oil each) is indicated for cholelithiasis, dyskinesia of the biliary tract after removal of the gallbladder and kidney stone disease. The product was also effective in bronchial asthma. With severe lesions of parenchymal organs, acute inflammatory processes in the biliary and urinary tracts, Rosanol is contraindicated. As an external agent, rose oil is used to treat gingivitis (lubricates the gums). Rose water (Aqua Rosae), which is obtained during the distillation of rose oil, has pronounced antiseptic properties and is used for conjunctivitis, blepharitis, gingivitis and hemorrhagic forms of periodontitis. Infusion of petals deserves attention as a remedy that has relaxing, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, soothing and anthelmintic properties. Internally, it is used as a gentle laxative, suitable even for pregnant women and seriously ill patients, for nervous diseases, hemoptysis, pollinosis (hay fever) and enterobiosis. In a mixture with other medicinal plants, damask rose is used for medicinal dermatitis (see the article White-haired Samosyl). Externally, the infusion of petals is used in the form of lotions and rinses for inflammation of the eyelids, gingivitis, etc. Infusion of petals deserves attention as a remedy that has relaxing, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, soothing and anthelmintic properties. Internally, it is used as a gentle laxative, suitable even for pregnant women and seriously ill patients, for nervous diseases, hemoptysis, pollinosis (hay fever) and enterobiosis. In a mixture with other medicinal plants, damask rose is used for medicinal dermatitis (see the article White-haired Samosyl). Externally, the infusion of petals is used in the form of lotions and rinses for inflammation of the eyelids, gingivitis, etc. Infusion of petals deserves attention as a remedy that has relaxing, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, soothing and anthelmintic properties. Internally, it is used as a gentle laxative, suitable even for pregnant women and seriously ill patients, for nervous diseases, hemoptysis, pollinosis (hay fever) and enterobiosis. In a mixture with other medicinal plants, damask rose is used for medicinal dermatitis (see the article White-haired Samosyl). Externally, the infusion of petals is used in the form of lotions and rinses for inflammation of the eyelids, gingivitis, etc. pollinosis (hay fever) and enterobiosis. In a mixture with other medicinal plants, damask rose is used for medicinal dermatitis (see the article White-haired Samosyl). Externally, the infusion of petals is used in the form of lotions and rinses for inflammation of the eyelids, gingivitis, etc. pollinosis (hay fever) and enterobiosis. In a mixture with other medicinal plants, damask rose is used for medicinal dermatitis (see the article White-haired Samosyl). Externally, the infusion of petals is used in the form of lotions and rinses for inflammation of the eyelids, gingivitis, etc.

Medicinal forms and applications .

Internally – Rosanol is taken 2-3 capsules 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks;

infusion of petals (2-3 tablespoons of raw materials per 400 ml of boiling water, insist for 1 hour, strain) half a glass (children – a quarter of a glass) 4 times a day before meals.

Externally – washing, lotions and rinsing with infusion (prepared as in the previous prescription); inhalation of petals (refreshes the skin of the face): a layer of rose petals is placed on the bottom of a colander placed in a vessel with boiling water and the face is kept over the steam for 15 minutes.