
A biennial plant up to 100 cm high. The root is fleshy, fusiform. Stem branched, erect, glabrous, glabrous. The leaves are alternate, petiolate, with sheaths, double-pinnately dissected into narrow lobes. The flowers are small, the corolla is five-leaved, the petals are white or pink, deeply notched, in complex umbrellas. The fruit is an oblong brown two-seeded seedling, splitting into 2 semi-fruits, which have a strong aromatic smell and a peculiar spicy taste. Blooms in May-June. The fruits ripen in July-August.

Common cumin is common in all areas of central Russia. Grows in damp places, glades, floodplain meadows of small rivers, along roads, pastures.

Medicinal raw materials are fruits. They are harvested unripe in umbrellas to avoid losses during collection, dried in the shade, often stirred and stirred, and then threshed and winnowed. Raw materials are stored in closed jars indoors. Storage period 3 years.

The fruits contain, along with coloring, resinous and protein substances, fatty essential oils. The essential oil is within 50% carvone, which gives the fruits a specific smell.

Cumin fruits act irritatingly on taste buds, reflexively increase the function of the digestive apparatus; increase its tone and peristalsis, reduce the processes of decay and fermentation in the intestine.


In scientific medicine, cumin is used for atony and lethargy of the intestines, flatulence, as a means of increasing the separation of bile, etc.

In folk medicine, cumin is considered an antiseptic, diaphoretic, diuretic, stimulating the functional activity of the digestive tract, so it is used by the people (decoction of seeds, caraway oil) for atony, pain in the intestines, reduced secretion of gastric contents, flatulence, anemia, as a choleretic, carminative and laxative; cumin is used as an infusion for atonic constipation and chronic cholecystitis. A decoction of the fruit is drunk by nursing mothers to increase the amount of milk, with female bleeding. In many cases, cumin is used along with common thyme and dill.

With bloating in a baby 1 tbsp. a spoonful of fruit is boiled in a glass of boiling water for 5-10 minutes, sweetened with sugar and given a teaspoonful 5-6 times every day. You can also put an enema from this decoction (but without sugar). With flatulence in adults, a decoction of 2 tbsp gives good results. spoons of cumin fruits, 1 teaspoon of dill fruits, 2.5 tablespoons of finely chopped yarrow leaves and 1 tablespoon of oats, all this is brewed in 2 cups of boiling water, insisted for 40 minutes, consumed 2 tbsp. spoons after 2 hours.


Decoction: 20 g per 200 ml; 1 st. spoon 3 times every day. To stimulate appetite, it is recommended to eat a small number of fruits (at the tip of a knife) an hour before meals.