Tyrlich is yellow. Tyrlych Khreschaty



Gentiana lutea L.


Gentiana cruciata L.

The family of Tyrlychev is Genlianaceae

How do they look? Perennial herbaceous plants 50-150 cm tall, with a strong multi-headed rhizome, from which several lateral roots depart. In the first year, a hollow, simple, unbranched stem appears. The leaves are opposite, large, broadly oval, half-stem-wrapped, entire, bare, with 5-7 parallel veins. Flowers are collected in bundles of 3-10 in the axils of the upper bracts. The corolla is golden-yellow, wheel-shaped, with five linear pointed petals. Blooms in July.

Where do they grow? On calcareous and clayey meadows, in thickets of sedge – in the Carpathians (the Chornohora range – the Petros mountains, Pip Ivan Marmaroskyi, the Gorgany-Svydovytsky ridge, the Yavirchyk meadow). A rare plant of the Ukrainian Carpathians. There are no stocks of raw materials. The remaining thickets should be protected. In young sparse pine forests in the forest-steppe and forest zones — on dry slopes, among shrubs — in the mountains of Crimea, there is a cypress 15-60 cm tall, with several flowering stems, densely covered with linear-lanceolate obtuse leaves, with blue flowers in the axils of the upper leaves Blooms in July – August.

What and when are collected? Roots and rhizomes of yellow and cruciferous cypress — in autumn. Cleaned from the ground and small roots and, split in half, dried quickly in order to preserve the valuable bitter glycoside gentsiopicrin, alkaloid gentianine, flavonoids, pectins (when dried slowly, with fermentation, the roots acquire the smell necessary to give the taste and smell of beer and vodka).

When is it used? To stimulate the appetite and improve the activity of the digestive organs in achillea, sluggish digestion; belching, bloating, colic, heartburn, constipation, lack of appetite; pale malaise in underdeveloped girls (chlorosis), after debilitating diseases and in gout and arthritis, as a choleretic and anthelmintic and as an inhibitor of fermentation. The feeling of hotness in the stomach after using the infusion of St. John’s wort is a consequence of hyperemia of the mucous membrane caused by its active substances. Therefore, large doses of it can cause vomiting and deterioration of digestive organs.

Used in the form of tea. For 2 cups of cold water, take 1 teaspoon of tyrlich root and boil for 10 minutes. Drink depending on the need, 1-2 glasses, sips (for gout – 3 glasses a day, with an appropriate diet). Tincture on strong wine, which is drunk in glasses, is more effective – 2-3 per day, half an hour before meals.

In case of gastritis (stomach catarrh), take the roots of yarrow , yarrow grass and yarrow grass (1 teaspoon of each), pour 3 glasses of cold water and boil for 10 minutes. The entire decoction is drunk during the day also in case of lack of appetite, intestinal diseases (constipation) and pale weakness in underdeveloped girls (M. A. Nosal). With high acidity of the stomach with bloating, such a tincture is prepared. For 1 liter of port wine, take 1 tablespoon of tyrlich roots, herbs of dried marsh flowers, orange peels, rhizomes of yarrow, St. John’s wort, leaves of cowberry, tansy flowers, valerian root and put on the window in sunlight for 21 days. Then strain and drink 2 tablespoons each in the morning (on an empty stomach) and in the evening (before going to bed). If you drink this infusion 1 glass before dinner, the most persistent heartburn will go away. You can also use tyrlich root in powder, three times a day on the tip of a knife half an hour before meals, especially if there is no appetite and sluggish digestion.

In the treatment of purulent wounds, they are covered with a powder from the roots of tyrlich , mixed equally with the powder of chamomile flowers. In case of smelly sweating of the feet, take daily foot baths (before going to bed) in a hot, strong decoction of a mixture of oak bark and cypress root in a ratio of 3:1, and instead of socks, wear socks made of linen or hemp cloth.