
Prickly branching shrub with dark gray bark covering the stem, 1-3 m tall. Numerous branches are located almost horizontally and end with a sharp thorn. The leaves are relatively small, with short petioles, broadly elliptical. The flowers are white, solitary or collected 2-3 together, with a well-formed pedicel. The fruit is spherical, with a diameter of 10 mm, yellow-blue, drupe, covered with a wax coating. Blooms in March-April.

Distributed among shrubs, on roadsides, on dry stony soils, etc.

Medicinal raw materials are flowers, fruits, bark, roots. Flowers contain cyanogenic glycoside, flavone glycoside kaempferin and its aglycone kaempferol.

Blackthorn flowers have a diuretic and slightly laxative effect (the action of flavones). Recommended for constipation and stomach cramps.

Use as a cold infusion: 2 teaspoons of flowers are poured into a glass of water and infused in a cold place for 8 hours (daily dose) – for diseases of the liver, kidneys, bladder, intestines.

In Bulgarian folk medicine, sloe leaves are used for decoction as a diuretic, for skin rashes, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder; a decoction of the bark of the stems and a decoction of the fruit in red wine are used for diarrhea.


Tea: 50 g of flowers per 1 liter of water – in case of metabolic disorders, diseases of the liver, kidneys, bladder, etc.

A decoction of the roots: 10 g per 0.5 l of water, boil for 15 minutes – with erysipelas.

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