Thermopsis lanceolata R. B.
Synonyms: lanceolate thermopsis, mouser, drunken grass.
Description. Perennial herbaceous plant from the leguminous family (Leguminosae), 1040 cm high, with a thick creeping rhizome. The stem is branched, leafy, the leaves are gray, trifoliate, alternate. Leaf segments are oblong, narrow. The stipules are much longer than the petiole, which makes the leaf appear five-fingered. The flowers are yellow, sitting on pedicels in the axils of the leaves. The fruit is a bean up to 6 cm long, with a long nose at the top. Seeds reniform, shiny, spherical-ovoid, brown. Weight of 1000 seeds within 22 28 Blossoms in June July; seeds ripen in August September. The whole plant is poisonous.
Medicinal raw materials: grass and mature seeds.
Habitat . It grows on rocky and gravel slopes, on fallow lands, in river valleys, in salt marshes and solonetsous meadows, as well as a malicious weed in crops of cultivated plants. Often forms large thickets.
Spreading. It grows in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Western and Eastern Siberia, the Urals, Northern Kazakhstan, as well as in China and Mongolia.
Composition of active substances . The thermopsis herb contains a number of alkaloids (thermopsin, homothermopsin, methylcytisine, pachycarpine, anagirin). It also contains tannins, saponins, mucus, resins and vitamin C.
Application. Clinical studies have established that thermopsis can successfully replace previously imported plants of ipecac (Cephaelis ipecacuanha Will d.) and senega (Polygala senega L.).
Thermopsis grass is widely used as an expectorant (in the form of infusions, powder and dry extract). Thermopsis increases the secretion of bronchial glands, dilutes sputum, enhances breathing. All this contributes to the secretion of mucus. Thermopsis is also prescribed as an emetic.
Decoctions of the plant have antihelminthic properties.
Herb thermopsis due to the presence of pachycarpine in it is prescribed in the treatment of various forms of obliterating endarteritis, also to stimulate labor (the product increases the tone of the muscles of the uterus).
In folk medicine, a decoction of the thermopsis herb is widely used for influenza, bronchitis, catarrh of the respiratory tract, and pneumonia.
Collection. The grass is harvested before flowering (in June-July), cutting it with sickles or scythes at a height of 35 cm from the ground plane.
Seeds are harvested at the stage of their full maturity (August-September). The plant is mowed, dried, threshed and cleaned. The product cytisine is obtained from the seeds.
Drying. The grass is dried outdoors or in attics.
Pack. Grass is packed in bales.
Storage. Store raw materials in a dry, well-ventilated area in a packaged form on racks or pallets.
Due to the fact that thermopsis grass and especially seeds are highly poisonous, all work on the collection, processing of raw materials and storage should be carried out with great care.
Thermopsis is mainly harvested in the regions of Kyrgyzstan, as well as in the Chita and Novosibirsk regions.
quality requirements . Raw materials (grass) in finished form should be leafy shoots with flowers up to 30 cm long, have a slight peculiar smell, reminiscent of the smell of poppy seeds, bitter-astringent taste. In accordance with the State Pharmacopoeia X, it is allowed: moisture 13%, total ash 8; unripe fruits1; stems with brown leaves, not separated by roots and faded flowers 6; showered leaves and flowers 5; organic impurities 2, mineral 1; alkaloids not less than 1%.
In the seeds of thermopsis, according to GOST 280145, it is allowed: moisture 12%; impurities of other plant parts 1.5; damaged seeds1; organic impurities 1, mineral 0.5; alkaloids not less than 2.5%.