Meadowsweet six-petal

Tall perennial plant, with a thin rhizome, equipped with fusiform tuberous thickenings on the roots. Stem straight, glabrous, leafy below; lower leaves pinnately dissected, multi-paired, with pinnately incised lobules; leaf blade 4-18 cm long and 2-4 cm wide. Panicle inflorescence, white flowers, 12-15 mm across, petals and sepals 6 each; there are many stamens, equal to petals; Blooms in late May – June.

Grows in flood and upland meadows, in shrubs.

Medicinal raw materials are rhizomes with root thickenings in the form of nodules and grass.

In medical practice, the roots are part of the Zdrenko mixture used for bladder papillomatosis and anacid gastritis.

In folk medicine, tincture of roots on vodka is used for gastric diseases, they eat the root and drink a decoction when bitten by rabid animals, they drink a decoction of the whole herb for women’s diseases; used for diarrhea, washed with a decoction of places bitten by a snake.



Infusion 1: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rhizomatous nodules (dry or fresh) in a glass of boiling water, insist in a hot place for 10 minutes (boiling bath), then leave for 2 hours and take according to Art. spoon 4 times every day before meals.

Infusion 2: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of herbs with flowers in 1/2 liter of boiled water at room temperature, insist overnight and take 1/4 cup 4 times every day 30 minutes before meals.

In the past, an infusion of the herb was used as a powerful diuretic, also for hemorrhoids, hernia, diarrhea, and as a heart remedy.

See also Meadowsweet Vyazolistny.