Tamus zvichayny – tamus ordinary

A perennial herbaceous dioecious plant (liana) of the Dioscoreaceae family. It has a thick tuberous rhizome up to 1 m long. The stem is twisted, 2-4 m long. The leaves are alternate, long-petioled, 8-14 cm long, entire or sometimes almost trilobed, with a heart-shaped base and an elongated pointed apex and clearly visible arcuate venation. The flowers are small, unisexual, with a simple six-parted yellowish-greenish perianth, collected in axillary tassels. The fruit is a red berry. Blooms from April to June.

Spread. Common tamus is found in the Southern Crimea in forests, less often in shrubs.

Procurement and storage . Rhizoma Tami communis (Rhizoma Tami communis) is harvested for medicinal purposes. The rhizomes dug up in autumn are washed off the ground and used fresh or dried. Dry rhizomes yield 22%.

The plant is unofficial .

Chemical composition . Tamus rhizomes contain glycosides, saponins, alkaloid-like and tannic substances, formic and oxalic acids. Some authors question the presence of tannins in the rhizomes of tamus. All parts of the plant are poisonous.

Pharmacological properties and use . The external use of tamus in rheumatism, arthritis, radiculitis, sciatica, etc. as a means causing hyperemia deserves special attention. In addition, a therapeutic effect was found in the treatment of circular or nested baldness and chills. When taken internally, tamus products cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, vomiting and diarrhea.

Medicinal forms and applications .

Externally — greasing or rubbing the affected parts of the body 1-2 times a day with fresh juice or infusion of fresh rhizomes in Provencal oil (200 g of crushed raw materials per 1 liter of oil, insist for 20 days);

sprinkling wounds with powder from dried rhizomes.