Sterculia platanolista – sterculia platanolistnaya

Name: Sterculia platanophylla – sterculia platanophylla

Sterculia platanolista (Firmiana simplex); Firmiana simplex, Japanese lacquer tree; Sterculia platanofolita


Deciduous, fast-growing, 10-15(30) m tall tree of the Sterculaceae family. The leaves are large, alternate, 3-5-lobed, light green, 15(35) cm long, 20(45) cm wide. The flowers are unisexual (monoecious plants), small, greenish-yellow, collected in panicles 25-50 cm in size; perianth is simple, up to 1 cm long, with 3-5 oblong, outwardly wrapped leaves. The fruit is a collective five-membered leaf. Blooms in July-August.

Distribution . The homeland of Sterculia platanofolia is the subtropics of China and Indochina. On the territory of the former USSR, it is grown on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in Crimea, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.

Procurement and storage . For medical purposes, sterculia leaves (Folium Sterculiae) are used, which are harvested at the end of the growing season of plants before the beginning of yellowing. First, individual branches are selectively cut with secateurs, from which leaves without petioles are then manually cut off. It is recommended to harvest raw materials from the same tree every other year. The collected material is dried in a ventilated room, spreading it in a thin (up to 5 cm thick) layer on a clean bed and periodically stirring it. Artificial drying is carried out at a temperature not higher than 80°. The finished raw materials are packed in 15 kg bags or 50 kg bales and stored in a dry, ventilated room. The validity period is 1 year.

Chemical composition . Sterculia leaves contain tannins (3.6%), traces of alkaloids and glycosides, essential oil (0.075%), organic acids (2.5%) and carbohydrates. The seeds contain non-drying fatty oil (up to 28.5%), organic acids (0.4%), alkaloids (caffeine, theobromine).

Pharmacological properties and use . Galen products of Sterculia platanofolia show a cardiotonic and central nervous system stimulating effect. Tincture of sterculia leaves (Tinctura Sterculiae) is given internally as a tonic in the treatment of asthenic and asthenoneurotic conditions after chronic, exhausting diseases, physical and mental fatigue, arterial hypotension. Sterculia seeds are edible, pleasant to the taste.

Medicinal forms and applications . Internally – tincture of leaves (prepared in 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5) 10-40 drops 2-3 times a day (course of treatment – 3-4 weeks). Do not take at night, does not help to fall asleep.